Zorba's Palace
Town-Level 0 to 100
Memet has traveled long ago and to a galaxy far away… and needs your help!
- Cactus Creeper (Monster) (Level 25) x4
- Lem-or x1
- Oasis Monkey (Monster) (Level 25) x4
- Palace Enforcer x5
- Thwompcat x4
- Zorba the Bakk (Monster) x1
Map Name: zorbaspalace
Room Limit: 7
Access Points:
- /join zorbaspalace
- Event Hub (May) - 'Zorba's Palace' button
- May Hub - 'Zorba's Palace' button
- Murder Moon - 'To Zorba' button from Hammer Wateru
- Memet's Realm Map
Note: This location is a parody of Jabba's Palace from Star Wars.
Thanks to Darkfirekiller.
Explore this area in our free web game at www.AQ.com!