Zombie Terror

Location: Mogloween Grave
Level: 50
Difficulty: 4 stars
Total HP: 27,010
- Double Bite: 112-138
- Super Slash: 112-138
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Zombie Terror Defeated (Dropped during the 'The Final Test' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Backup Ol Reliable Zombie Buster
- Backup Ol' Reliable Zombie Crusher
- Backup Tactical Alpha Rifle
- Batty Anti-Lycan Plank
- Gummy Brains
- Lycan Costume
- Lycan Costume Hair
- Lycan Costume Hood
- Lycan Costume Locks
- Lycan Costume Tail
- Lycan Hood and Locks
- Lycan's Anti-Vamp Club
- Ol' Reliable Zombie Batter
- Ol' Reliable Zombie Batters
- Ol' Reliable Zombie Crusher
- Ol' Reliable Zombie Crushers
- Oversoul Essence (Dropped during the 'The Horseman's Second Axe' quest)
- Radioactive Jumping Pumpkin
- Radioactive Pumpkin Patch
- Radioactive Sad Pumpkin
- Radioactive Sadder Pumpkin
- Shadow Jester (2)
- Shadow Jester Braid
- Shadow Jester Hair
- Shadow Jester Mask
- Shadow Jester Mask + Braid
- Shadow Jester Scythe
- Shadow Jester Snarl Morph
- Shadow LichLord Pet
- Tactical Agent Alpha
- Tactical Agent Alpha Hair
- Tactical Agent Alpha Locks
- Tactical Agent Alpha Morph
- Tactical Agent Alpha Visage
- Tactical Agent Bravo
- Tactical Agent Bravo Beard
- Tactical Agent Bravo Helm
- Tactical Agent Bravo Locks
- Tactical Alpha Rifle
- Tactical Alpha Rifles
- Terror Spikes Cape
- Tiny Zombie Terror
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Vampire Bat Costume
- Vampire Bat Costume Hair
- Vampire Bat Costume Hood
- Vampire Bat Costume Hood + Locks
- Vampire Bat Costume Locks
- Vampire Bat Costume Wings
- WitchLord Hat (1)
- WitchLord Hat (2)
- Zombie Terror Morph
- ZombieSlayer Hat
- ZombieSlayer Hat + Locks
Note: This monster is themed from Zombie Terror from OverSoul.

Thanks to Ness860.
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