If you are Neutral:
Evil Illusionist
The Chaos Lord, Escherion, has attacked this valley. The forces of GOOD and EVIL have united to face this new threat. I'm here representing the Evil side, and I work with adventurers who have pledged to serve Evil.
Become EVIL!
CAREFUL! This choice is very important and hard to change. Speak to Renn if you want to become Good instead.
- Become EVIL!
If you are Chaos:
Evil Illusionist
Hmm, you are Chaotic. I only give quests to adventurers who have chosen to serve Evil. Neither Renn nor I will be able to work with you here.
Evil Illusionist
Lady Gravelyn has signed a truce with Alteon, so we have to work together, no matter how distasteful that may be… help us regain the town of Mobius and free the towns people. After this is all over, and Chaos is beaten, we can show the true superiority of the Shadowscythe!!
- Zio's Quests
If you are Good:
Evil Illusionist
I think you might find Renn over there a little more to your liking. Unless you'd like to renounce your allegiance to the King and the side of Good? No? I thought not.
Become EVIL!
CAREFUL! This choice is very important and hard to change. Speak to Gravelyn in Shadowfall if you want to become turn Evil.
- Become EVIL!
If you are Evil:
Evil Illusionist
Ahhhh, a fellow supporter of Gravelyn and the Shadowscythe. You don't know how happy I am to see you! Due to that truce, I've been stuck here for days listening to Renn yammering on about "following the path of Good". Maybe now we can get things done!
Lady Gravelyn has signed a truce with King Alteon, so we have to work together, no matter how distasteful that may be. Help us regain the town of Mobius and free the townspeople. After this is all over, and Chaos is beaten, we can show the true superiority of the Shadowscythe!!
- Zio's Quests
After completing the 'Slugfest' quest:
Evil Illusionist
There are two townspeople we still haven't found. Their names are Anna and Otto - please search all the houses in town for them. They are rumored to have information that could help us in the fight against Escherion, and if they are still alive, they may just help us win.
After completing the 'Chain Reaction' quest:
Evil Illusionist
Anna and Otto have told you about the Runix Cube… you should go speak to DewDrop in the Faerie Forest to find out more.
- Go to Faerie
After completing the 'The Second Piece' quest:
Evil Illusionist
Anise, our travelling companion, has been searching through the ruins of Cornelis to find out more about the Runix Cube. Her last message indicated that the agents of Chaos have moved in. Go to the ruins and help Anise… if you dare.
- Go to Cornelis
After completing the 'You've Been Framed' quest:
Evil Illusionist
So you figured it out! Of course I had done most of the work already. Once you put the Runix Cube together, we have to get you into the Tower. I'M sure as heck not going…
- Zio's Quests
- Runix Cube
After completing the 'To-Go Box' quest:
Evil Illusionist
So you figured it out! Of course I had done most of the work already. Once you put the Runix Cube together, we have to get you into the Tower. I'M sure as heck not going…
- To the Tower!
After completing the 'Find the Key! (Part One)' quest:
Good Rune Warrior
So you figured it out! Of course I had done most of the work already. Once you put the Runix Cube together, we have to get you into the Tower. I'M sure as heck not going…
- To the Tower!
After completing the 'Find the Key! (Part Three)' quest:
Evil Illusionist
When you lost the cube to Escherion and the Hydra was awakened, 3 Runestones appeared around the tower. I think you can use Hydra Teeth to destroy these Stones. Take a shard from each stone, and drop them into the Magickal bonfire that we have started for you.
- To the Hydra
After completing the 'The Lake Hydra' quest:
Evil Illusionist
Amazing! That was a most unexpected way of defeating the Hydra! Now it's up to you to…Battle the 1st Lord of Chaos… Escherion!
- To Escherion
After completing the 'Escherion' quest:
Evil Illusionist
Well done Hero! Success is yours! You defeated the Chaos Lord and saved the people of this valley! Gravelyn will be pleased with news of your Victory. But beware.. rumors of the next Lord of Chaos are already starting to spread.
- Zio's Shop