Zhoom's Quests

Jump to: Yulgar's Inn, Oasis, Sandsea Port, Sek-Duat Pyramids, Cave of Wanders, Sand Castle, Nostalgia Quest, Sunset Dunes, Sunset Ridge, Tomb of the Blue Lotus, Shadow Duat, Hidden Palace of Duat.


Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From:

I am Zhoom, the Ranger. I was resting overnight here in the Inn, and there was a break in. Some Zardmen broke in and stole the chest containing the only map showing the safe pathways back to the Sandsea Desert! And they ALSO stole the key. I need you to go to the forest and get back that map! I'm sure they've given the key to their boss - so be careful! (Return to Zhoom in the Battleon Inn once you have obtained the Secret Map)

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp

Thanks to tflo and Ultrapowerpie.

Quest Location: Oasis
Quests Begun From: Zhoom

Hero, have you heard about the elusive Bupers Camel? They were once though to only be a myth… a legend… but they are real AND have been spotted near the oasis. As a Ranger, it is my job to document such findings. I will pay you handsomely if you can write up a dissertation about Bupers Camels for me. Find these majestic beasts, defeat them, and document your discoveries.

Items Required:


  • 150 Gold
  • 150 Exp
  • 1,000 Rep : Sandsea

Thanks to Hina and ingomarelementary.

Quest Location: Sandsea Port
Quests Begun From: Zhoom
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

The most imperative skill of a Ranger is familiarizing oneself with the surroundings. The Sandsea Port is a new uncharted area to you… so get an idea of the scenery before taking any others course of action. Scout the Sandsea Port and return to me with your findings.

Items Required:

  • Sandsea Port Explored x1
    • Go to Screen 7


  • 200 Gold
  • 2,000 Exp
  • 1,000 Rep : Sandsea

Thanks to Na Tra.

Quest Location: Sek-Duat Pyramids
Quests Begun From: Zhoom
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Sell-Sword Sell-Outs' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Scarab beetles are depicted throughout the Sek-Duat's Pyramids as a symbol of worship. But it appears that more than just their likeliness floods the passageways now! If we hope to reach the chamber of Sek-Duat, we must first thin the Scarab numbers or face an all-out swarm. Collect 8 Golden Scarab Shells and bring them to me. They will also fetch a nice price at the Oasis market…

Items Required:


  • 10,000 Gold
  • 33,000 Exp
  • 3,000 Rep : Sandsea

Thanks to Na Tra.

Quest Location: Cave of Wanders
Quests Begun From: Zhoom
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Seek The Treasure' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Sek-Duat has played us for fools. I know we can beat him to the lamp if we hurry but we will need something first. The Lotus Spiders make a rare substance called Dreamsand. Get me some as fast as you can.

Items Required:


  • 10,000 Gold
  • 33,000 Exp
  • 6,000 Rep : Sandsea

Thanks to Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: Sand Castle
Quests Begun From: Zhoom
Requirements: Must have completed the 'I Dream Of...' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

On the edge of the Oasis stands what appears to be a deserted castle. It's not buried in the sands of time, it's MADE from them! Before we go charging through the halls of this house of sandstone and light, it'd be a good idea for you to explore its layout and see what information you can find.

Items Required:

  • Sand Castle Explored x1
    • Go to Screen 7


  • 0 Gold
  • 2,000 Exp

Thanks to Hina.

Quest Location: Nostalgia Quest
Quests Begun From: Zhoom

Requirements: Must have at least 1 Class Point on Beta Berserker in your inventory.

Can you believe it? While I was gone, the Zardmen stole my map… AGAIN! I am in need of a Beta Berserker to recover it for me. You'll find them in the forest to the right of the Guardian Tower. Bring it back to me and I will give you an armor version of the Beta Berserker Class!

Items Required:


  • 10 Gold
  • 10 Exp

You may also receive at random:

Thanks to Apus.

Quest Location: Sunset Dunes
Quests Begun From: Zhoom

Anqa has risen from the ashes, burning hotter than ever. Can you quell her flames once again?

Items Required:


  • 10,000 Gold
  • 25,000 Exp


Quest Location: Sunset Ridge
Quests Begun From: Zhoom

The immortal Firebird Anqa has become a plague that spreads destruction, enraged that Sek-Duat has ruled the Sandsea unjustly for fifteen generations. He is not here to answer for his actions, so we will. Fight Anqa, and Crulon and I will purify her rage when she falls.

Items Required:

  • Anqa's Ashes x1 (Stacks up to 100)


  • 4,000 Gold
  • 4,000 Exp


Quest Location: Tomb of the Blue Lotus
Quests Begun From: Zhoom
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Get Lost in Me' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

The guards I sent ahead of us to the Tomb encountered familiar trouble. It's the infamous Camlan Elves that gave themselves to the Shadows. They're already here. I assume that you, Gravelyn, and Tara wouldn't mind helping me capture them?

Items Required:


  • 16,000 Gold
  • 75,000 Exp

Quest Location: Tomb of the Blue Lotus
Quests Begun From: Zhoom
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Rite of Apophis' quest.

Before we leave, I want to see if we can learn more about the Chaorruption. Where did it come from, and is it infecting the Shadows too? Let's investigate the Serpents, the Hounds, and the Chantress.

Items Required:


  • 2,000 Gold
  • 5,000 Exp


Quest Location: Shadow Duat
Quests Begun From: Zhoom
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Rite of Apophis' quest.

Duat, the capital city of the Sandsea, is being invaded by Shadows empowered by a force we haven't seen since Chaos Lord Tibicenas' defeat. The Lightguard and Shadowscythe are defending the walls. We'll hunt down anything that slips through.

Items Required:

  • Shadow Duat Medal x5 (Stacks up to 300)


  • 1,000 Gold
  • 4,000 Exp

You may also receive, at random:

Quest Location: Hidden Palace of Duat
Quests Begun From: Zhoom
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Doomed Heir' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

There's no time to waste. Tara and Gravelyn are in danger, and the Chaotic haze outside grows thicker. We'll venture into this tomb, and defeat the Sphinx guarding the way. If possible, ask Sek-Duat about this place. He must know it well.

Items Required:


  • 17,000 Gold
  • 77,000 Exp

Quest Location: Hidden Palace of Duat
Quests Begun From: Zhoom
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Dragon of Duat' quest.

I still need time to recover, but the Lectors and Lorekeepers are eager to explore the tomb. Would you mind helping them gather materials for their research? They're interested in the Anubian Overseers, Neith, and Apophis.

Items Required:


  • 2,000 Gold
  • 5,000 Exp


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