Tavern Keeper
I left my tavern behind to find Valarian, but I heard from the goblins that Tieregnon elves had become trapped in the Labyrinth. They are…were my people. There's a part of me that still feels responsible for them. After they're rescued, Valarian can play his song in front of the Goblin King's tomb. He does know the King has passed away, right? Ah, I won't waste Valarian's time telling him the obvious.
After completing the 'On Deaf Ears' quest:
Tavern Keeper
All this chaos reminds me of my warring days. Dam it all, I wish I still kept up my swordplay practice! Why did I spend so much time moping at my Tavern? But how was I supposed to know a Shadow-possessed undead knight was going to burn down the city? And now I'm arguing with myself. Enough of that, I'll do whatever I can to help you and Valarian bring back the peace.
After completing the 'With the Power' quest:
Tavern Keeper
I'm not looking forward to seeing my father. Ha, facing down the past makes me more nervous than locking eyes with a giant snake or a flaming beast. Like what Valarian once sang, I'll laugh it off. Same goes for you. Laugh off whatever hardship you find on your journeys. Then, be sure to tell me and Valarian once our paths cross again.
Location: Black Maze

Thanks to Tempu.
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