Zardman Fisher
Location: River
Level: 8
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 730
- Stab: 36-43
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Broken Spears (Dropped during the 'Spear Sabotage' quest)
- Hideous Tail (Dropped during the 'Hideous Tail' quest)
- Hideous Tail (Dropped during the 'Willow Creek' quest)
- Live Fish x1-2 (Dropped during the 'Restocking' quest)
- River Stones (Dropped during the 'Cover Your Bases' quest)
- Secret Map (Dropped during the 'Secret Map' quest)
- Shiny Pearls x1-2 (Dropped during the 'Thief of Hours' quest)
- Zardman Fish (Dropped during the 'Picky Eaters' quest)
- Zardman Fisher Egg (Dropped during the 'Eggsamine Zard Eggs' quest)
- Zardman Spear (Dropped during the 'Ancient Endurance' quest)
- Zardman Spear (Dropped during the 'Endurance' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Also see:

Thanks to ANGELO13542, cornfield10, Nightly, pmk138 and Stephen Nix.
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