Crypto Commander
How's it going, hero? I don't believe we've met. I'm Zarat, Commander of the Crypto alliance. We've been following your work hero, we're impressed. I'm here to offer you the chance to join us… and to let loose our arsenal, spreading the word of Crypto rule once more. Now I don't have much time before someone realises I'm here; so if you have questions, make it quick. Once I've been spotted I will not return. What do you say hero? Care for a new adventure?
You won't have heard of us, we've been banished from Lore for quite some time now. Long ago, just before we were banished from all of Lore, in the event that we return, I hid vital items that are required in becoming a Crypto Knight.What's in it for me?
The ability to harness the Eternal Fire, thus the almighty Crypto Crusher. A sacred holographic hammer powered by Crypto Coding. The full Crypto arsenal is up for grabs for a short time before I'm surely caught.Banished?
We're not bad guys, just misunderstood. We swear by the Elemental Fire, an ancient force from before your time; and holographic technology. That makes some of your fancy-pants mages uncomfortable.
Join Up
So you want to become a Crypto Knight? Very well. We will need to recover fragments of the Crypto arsenal I have scattered around lore. It is your job to retrieve them and bring them back to me. Find everything I need and you'll unlock the Crypto-Gear.
After completing the 'Harness the Elemental Fire' quest:
Crypto Commander
I'm impressed, you've recovered the Elemental Fire. Now a little history. Amidst the dawn of the Crypto age, our soldiers were overwhelmed wielding the almighty flame that binds us all through the hilt of a hammer with only their bare hands. The hammer brought these men and women to insanity. Those soldiers were, unfortunately, dismissed.. Permanently. But we found a solution.
It is crucial that all who wish to wield the hammer should wear the appropriate suit of armor; the Crypto Creator. The gauntlet helps channel the energy drawn from the hammer at a controlled level.
After completing the 'Recover the Crafter's Palladium' quest:
Crypto Commander
Next up we're going to need the Portal Key. The Portal Key is essential in creating the Crypto Captivity cape. An evil version of myself held captive by the binds of Crypto Coding. This portal serves as a reminder to anyone who betrays the hammer that they will suffer like-wise, for etemity and for all to see. It's also pretty imitating and disturbing, which is always cool.
I left the Portal Key with an old friend of mine, Revontheus. Back before he fought for Nulgath. He offered to keep the key safe, but only under one condition. That everyone who serves as a Crypto Knight is branded as his own.Next
We were all confused with his wish, naturally.. I don't know, the guy was problematic. But nobody else in the entirety of Lore was trustworthy enough at the time to hold the key, so we agreed. Then of course, he turned to darker forces, sided with Nulgath and the story goes on. If you want to become a Crypto Knight, you will have to get that key!
After completing the 'Salvage the Portal Key' quest:
Crypto Commander
Great job. We have everything we need; but one item remains missing. The Crypto Code. Before we even think about forging our Crypto gear, we must retrieve the Crypto Code.
After completing the 'Find the Code, Become a Knight' quest:
Crypto Commander
You've done well. But now you should go my time is almost up! I've got to wait for the last new recruit or two to return. But then we'll need to hurry; my threat detection implant is going off. I'll see you again someday, Hero.
- Zarat's Quests
- Crypto Code Gear
Location: The Span
Note: Also see Crypto Creator.
Thanks to Weedfire24.
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