Jump to: Darkovia Forest, The Chaos Cave, Darkovia Invasion, AIC Act 1, AIC Act 2, AIC Act 3
Quest Location: Darkovia Forest
Quests Begun From: Z
Requirements: Must have completed the 'His Bark is Worse Than His Blight' quest.
So you think you have what it takes to become a Shadowslayer? I want to believe you, really, I do — but I cannot put my full faith in someone who has yet to prove themselves to me. This is not the place nor the time for amateur adventurers… but I'll give ya one chance. Somewhere in Greenguard Forest resides a superior warrior known as Red Hunting Hood. She is an expert when it comes to hunting the creatures in those woods… and if you can convince her to lend you that Big Wolf Slaying Axe of hers, then you might have what it takes to help Darkovia out, afterall…
Items Required:
- 500 Gold
- 1,000 Exp
Thanks to Hina.
Quest Location: The Chaos Cave
Quests Begun From: Z
Requirements: Must have defeated Edvard.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
You won't be able to stop the Dragon's transformation until you gain access to Wolfwing's lair in the mountainside. Go investigate the Chaos Gate and see what you can find out. Return to me once you have checked it out.
Items Required:
- Chaos Gate Investigation x1
- Go to Screen 5
- 0 Gold
- 1,000 Exp
- 5,000 Rep : Lycan
Thanks to Hina.
Quest Location: Darkovia Invasion
Quests Begun From: Z
Well, first things first - there are a LOT of Infernals tearing up Doomwood! The ones wielding the Celestial weapons - the knights and other humanoids - seem to have moved on after the initial attack. But all these Hounds and Imps came through behind them, and aren‘t going away. Help me put a dent in their numbers. would you?
Items Required:
- Underworld Hound Slain x5
- Dropped by Underworld Hound (2)
- Infernal Imp Slain x5
- Dropped by Infernal Imp (Level 40)
- 800 Gold
- 800 Exp
Thanks to Apus and Memine.

Quest Location: AIC Act 1
Quests Begun From: Z
Note: These quests cannot be accessed after completing the 'The Unseeing' quest.
- To Banish A Banshee
- Remains of a Song: Fear
- Remains of a Song: Insecurity
- Remains of a Song: Envy
- Remains of a Song: Greed
- The Unseeing
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
There's only one way to banish a banshee - make contact with it and find out what it wants! I heard the roadies say that they saw it in the rafters while they were setting up, so lets look for it there first.
Items Required:
- Make Contact x1
- Go to Screen 4
- 150 Gold
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Darkfirekiller.

Quest Location: AIC Act 2
Quests Begun From: Z
Note: These quests cannot be accessed after completing the 'Conquer Your Fears' quest.
These lycans are going to tear through the crowd! You'd better stop them. Fight them until you find something strong enough to bring one of these songs back to life. What is it that helps you kill your fear?
Items Required:
- Hero's Courage x1
- 150 Gold
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Darkfirekiller.

Quest Location: AIC Act 3
Quests Begun From: Z
Note: This quest cannot be accessed after completing the 'Discordant Music' quest.
For the perfect "axe", we're going to need a set of perfect strings. I bet you can get some from, uhh… those stringwraiths.
Items Required:
- Perfect Strings x3
- Dropped by:
- 150 Gold
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Darkfirekiller.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!