I couldn't help but overhear your conversation! As you may have guessed, I'm not just at this show to see the band play. I'm here to hunt the monsters in this haunted arena - and if I heard you right, it sounds like you are, too! We should team up - my brains, your brawn. What do you say?
Hey! I have brains too!
Of course! But when it comes to hunting vampires, lycans, and ghosts, I'm the expert! Are you really going to turn away my help?
- Z's Quests
After completing the 'To Banish A Banshee' quest:
Wow! That was intense. But I think I've gotten us some answers.
When the banshee was in my head, I could see who she was: the Ghost of Songs Unsung.
The ghost of… songs? How does that work?
Have you ever tried writing a song? A lot of people do.
But then, a lot of them start thinking maybe they're not good enough. Or someone makes fun of them for trying.
So it stays bottled up inside, and the song dies.
The banshee keeps a ghostly songbook full of sheet music that was never performed.
Songs that were killed by fear… insecurity… envy…greed. But the pages have been scattered and lost.
I guess this is one of those quest chains where I have to find every one in order
You got it!
Lucky for us, that's my specialty!
When the banshee was in my head, I could see who she was: the Ghost of Songs Unsung. She keeps a ghostly songbook full of sheet music that was never performed. Songs that were killed by fear, insecurity, envy and greed. But the pages were scattered and lost. If we want to stop her, we will have to find them all again.
How do I do that?
You may not have noticed, but - the dancefloor has a nasty vampire infestation! They've been drawn to the arena by the banshee's powerful energy… and they'd likely want her songs for themselves. Luckily, you have an experienced vampire hunter here to help you out!
- Z's Quests
After completing the 'The Unseeing' quest:
It's time for Act 2!
- Go Now
After completing the 'Conquer Your Fears' quest:
It's time for Act 3!
- Go Now
After completing the 'Play that Axe' quest:
Well, that wasn't the ending I was expecting! I hope they have fun on tour together. Maybe I should get in the business of matchmaking monsters with musicians.
If fear, insecurity, envy and greed are the things that kill songs, how do you get pass all of that and finish them anyway? The band says it's different for every person… so what matters most to you? What is it that makes you believe in yourself?
- Z's Quests
After completing the 'Conquer Your Fears' quest:
It's time for Act 3!
- Go Now
After completing the 'Play that Axe' quest:
Well, that wasn't the ending I was expecting! I hope they have fun on tour together. Maybe I should get in the business of matchmaking monsters with musicians.
We've brought all these dead songs back to life, but music alone won't defeat this banshee! The energy in these tunes is so powerful, we can use it to create an equally powerful weapon - the Axe of Song. It will send her back to the underworld… but we'll need a few extra parts first!
- Z's Quests
After completing the 'Discordant Music' quest:
The legendary Axe of Song. It's the one thing that can stop this ghost. And just in time, too - she's made it onto the stage! Hurry, take it and go!
- Z's Quests
After completing the 'Play that Axe' quest:
Well, that wasn't the ending I was expecting! I hope they have fun on tour together. Maybe I should get in the business of matchmaking monsters with musicians.
Well, that wasn't the ending I was expecting! I hope they have fun on tour together. Maybe I should get in the business of matchmaking monsters with musicians.
Welcome to Darkovia, hero. I'm not sure why anyone would want to come here… especially now. Darkovia was always dangerous but it's become far too dangerous for anyone but us Shadowslayers. Maybe you've got what it takes to join our ranks. If you pass my tests and become a Shadowslayer, I will open the gates to Safiria's castle for you.
What do you want to know?
She is the Queen of the vampires. Her castle lies just through the gates near here. Her people once controlled all of Darkovia until the lycanthrope tribes united under the Werewolf King. She and her people consider the werewolves nothing more than savage beasts.
Werewolf King
Long ago the werewolves of Darkovia roamed in small packs and tribes, until he finally pulled them together into the Werewolf Nation. Now they are organized hunters and killers and they threaten the vampire's food supply and land holdings.
Once upon a time I was a member of the Vampire Slayers, but the threats of Darkovia are many and varied. The Shadowslayers deal with a number of monsters. They are a much more effective fighting force, and they need all the help they can get.
They are a growing threat in Darkovia. The vamps and wolves prey on all the people and beasts of the forest… but the werepyres prey on them. And still Safiria and the Werewolf King can't see the danger they pose. Their mutual hatred has blinded them.
I'm just known as Z. People used to called me X as a joke at first, and gave me the name because I'm E's ex-girlfriend, but now I'm just Z. The last letter. The last resort. When things start going wrong, people call the Shadowslayers. When things CAN'T be allowed to go wrong, people call me.
- Shop
- Z's Quests
- Red Hunting Hood (During the 'Lil' Red' quest)
After completing the 'What a Lich!' quest:
Now you know what you're facing. I'm impressed with your skills, and even more impressed that you haven't run away screaming. Welcome to the Shadowslayers, hero. You have earned my respect… I will open the gates to Safiria's Castle. Good luck winning HER trust.
- Shadowslayer Z Shop
- Z's Quests
- Red Hunting Hood (During the 'Lil' Red' quest)
Shadowslayers are trained to fight all of the creature of the night. Werewolves, vampires… werepyres… I've even fought a dracowerepyre! But… infernals wielding weapons of celestial energy? This is new and I'm not sure even I can handle it on my own. I need your help.
That's Familiar
My first thought was that either the Vampires or the Lycans had to be behind this. They are forever at war with each other, trying to find new ways to claim Darkovia for themselves. But you're right - that wouldn't explain the attack on Doomwood, would it? Still, we can't assume anything.
After completing the 'Noddharath' quest:
The Infernal Army has returned… rumors have started to swirl that the Infernals have been spotted in Shadowfall - they are attacking the very seat of Empress Gravelyn's power. You must help her if we are to hold back the invasion.
- Z's Quests
BrightBinder Mage
I know, I know - I'm a LIGHT slayer! I'm not supposed to be helping these guys! But I'm not a jerk, I'm just evil. Alteon and his lackeys are trying to harm this world I have to live in, and that's a step too far. So I'm on the pooch's side for now, and I'll help her defend her home. Whatever it takes to save mine.
After completing the 'Defeat the Knights' quest:
BrightBinder Mage
So… he's finally shown his face again, eh? Let's make him regret it!
- Safiria's Quests
After completing the 'Defeat ArchMage Brentan' quest:
BrightBinder Mage
I never thought I'd be fighting to protect a Lycan queen, but… here we are. It's better than letting the imbalance tear both our worlds apart.
Darkovia would be deadly enough if we only had to deal with Vampires and Lycans. But no… an even deadlier threat exists. You may have encountered one before… Gravefang the Werepyre. Combining the most dangerous traits of each species, these creatures stalk from above, and slay without mercy. And now… rumors of a new cult have arisen, with Gravefang at its core. Scout around the area, and see if you encounter any cult members. If you find any, and they look like a threat, take them out!
A Cult?
Yes, I'm sorry to say. They call themselves the "The Final Crescent," and they believe it is their destiny to erase all humans from Lore, paving the way for the Werepyre race to rule uncontested. Of course, the weaker lycans and vampires will be allowed to live. As slaves.
I've only heard rumors that they exist. But even more troubling… some HUMANS have succumbed to their dogma. They call themselves the "Hands of the Crescent." Some say they've been approached by these deluded warriors, who attempt to convert them and bring them back to a place called the "Shadow Crypt." I tracked one of the converts as far as these gates.
The only other thing I've heard is they're impervious to most magics and melee weapons. I find that hard to believe but… you never can tell here in Darkovia. If you are free and willing to help, then you might scout around the area. See if you can find anyone or anything that might tell you more. But if you encounter them, beware! They are powerful, and fear very little. And now, I've told you all I know. May the light shine on you, Hero.
Well done, hero. You were able to unite the Vampires and Werwolves. I would have said it was impossible if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Now we stand a chance of defeating Wolfwin… but we're not out of the woods yet.
- Z's Quests
After completing the 'Dracowerepyre' quest:
I… I can't believe it! You defeated the Dracowerepyre! You could teach the Shadowslayers a thing or two about monster fighting. I'll go ahead and scout Wolfwing's lair, you go get Safiria and the Werewolf King. We'll need everyone for this next fight!