

I couldn't help but overhear your conversation! As you may have guessed, I'm not just at this show to see the band play. I'm here to hunt the monsters in this haunted arena - and if I heard you right, it sounds like you are, too! We should team up - my brains, your brawn. What do you say?

Hey! I have brains too!
Of course! But when it comes to hunting vampires, lycans, and ghosts, I'm the expert! Are you really going to turn away my help?

- Z's Quests

After completing the 'To Banish A Banshee' quest:

Wow! That was intense. But I think I've gotten us some answers.

When the banshee was in my head, I could see who she was: the Ghost of Songs Unsung.

The ghost of… songs? How does that work?
Have you ever tried writing a song? A lot of people do.

But then, a lot of them start thinking maybe they're not good enough. Or someone makes fun of them for trying.

So it stays bottled up inside, and the song dies.

The banshee keeps a ghostly songbook full of sheet music that was never performed.

Songs that were killed by fear… insecurity… envy…greed. But the pages have been scattered and lost.

I guess this is one of those quest chains where I have to find every one in order
You got it!

Lucky for us, that's my specialty!
When the banshee was in my head, I could see who she was: the Ghost of Songs Unsung. She keeps a ghostly songbook full of sheet music that was never performed. Songs that were killed by fear, insecurity, envy and greed. But the pages were scattered and lost. If we want to stop her, we will have to find them all again.

How do I do that?
You may not have noticed, but - the dancefloor has a nasty vampire infestation! They've been drawn to the arena by the banshee's powerful energy… and they'd likely want her songs for themselves. Luckily, you have an experienced vampire hunter here to help you out!

- Z's Quests

After completing the 'The Unseeing' quest:

It's time for Act 2!

- Go Now

After completing the 'Conquer Your Fears' quest:

It's time for Act 3!

- Go Now

After completing the 'Play that Axe' quest:

Well, that wasn't the ending I was expecting! I hope they have fun on tour together. Maybe I should get in the business of matchmaking monsters with musicians.




Thanks to Apus, guff4boyz63, Pmk138 and ShatteredReality.

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