Yulgar's Dual Wield Shop

Location: Nostalgia Quest - Yulgar (NPC)

Name Price
Dagger_Table.png Cysero's Potatoes acsmall.png Weapon Reflection x1,
Cysero's Potato x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Abaddon's Terrors acsmall.png Abaddon's Terror x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Alteon's Pride acsmall.png Alteon's Pride x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Axe of the Black Knight acsmall.png Weapon Reflection x1,
Axe of the Black Knight x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Balor's Cruelty acsmall.png Weapon Reflection x1,
Balor's Cruelty x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Balrog Blade acsmall.png betasmall.png pseudosmall.png Balrog Blade x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Bane of Nulgath acsmall.png Bane of Nulgath x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Big 100K acsmall.png Weapon Reflection x1,
Big 100K x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Blade of Affliction acsmall.png Weapon Reflection x1,
Blade of Affliction x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Blade of The Fallen acsmall.png raresmall.png Weapon Reflection x1,
Blade of The Fallen x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Blades of Awe acsmall.png Blade of Awe x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Blessed Coffee Cup acsmall.png Weapon Reflection x1,
Blessed Coffee Cup x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Blinding Light of Destiny acsmall.png Blinding Light of Destiny (Axe) x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Blister's Chainsaw 08 acsmall.png legendsmall.png pseudosmall.png Weapon Reflection x1,
Blister's Chainsaw 08 x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Blood Axe Of Destruction acsmall.png Weapon Reflection x1,
Blood Axe Of Destruction (1) x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Bloodrivers acsmall.png pseudosmall.png Weapon Reflection x1,
Bloodriver x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Bone Knives legendsmall.png raresmall.png Weapon Reflection x1,
3,000 Gold
Dagger_Table.png Dual Bone Sword acsmall.png Bone Sword x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Boom Went The Dynamite acsmall.png legendsmall.png Boom Went The Dynamite x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Burn it Down Staves Weapon Reflection x1,
Burn it Down x1,
50,000 Gold
Dagger_Table.png Dual Burning Blades Of Abezeth acsmall.png Burning Blade Of Abezeth x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Ceremonial Legion Blade acsmall.png pseudosmall.png Ceremonial Legion Blade x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Chaorrupter Unlocked acsmall.png raresmall.png Chaorrupter Unlocked (Legend) x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Corpse Maker of Nulgath acsmall.png legendsmall.png Corpse Maker of Nulgath x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Cruel Axe of Midnight acsmall.png legendsmall.png Cruel Axe of Midnight x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Crusader Sword acsmall.png legendsmall.png Crusader Sword x1,
Weapon Reflection x1
Dagger_Table.png Dual Crystal Claymore acsmall.png Crystal Claymore x1,
Weapon Reflection x1

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