- At Elixir Grenwog
- At Haku Village
- At Haku War
- At Yokai Hunt
- At Yokai Pirate
- At Yokai Portal
- At Yokai Realm
- At Yokai Treasure

Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
When I traveled to Greenguard to take a peek at the Grenwogs, there was another oopsie. Like what happened to the Etokoun during the Lunar New Year, I pet a Grenwog, and my innate magic transformed it into an Elixir Grenwog. It swam all the way back to the Yokai Isles to hide their eggs. They're filled with an immortality elixir, and I need help keeping it from making more! A bop or two should do the trick!
I heard there was a holiday celebrating rabbits, so I took a ferry over to visit. And when you're near something fluffy, you have to pet it! Problem is, my innate magic mixed with the Grenwog's and transformed it into a half sea creature. It makes eggs filled with an immortality elixir. They're like a rabbit version of a Ningyo. Thankfully, you're here, and only a few fish are going to become undying.
I'm so glad you got my letter and parsed my directions. This is Takarajima, one of the southern isles of Yokai. Ai No Miko's ancestors would hide their personal treasures here in times of emergency because the ocean currents are so hard to navigate. I was only able to navigate the currents because I was closely following the Elixir Grenwog. In a way, this is some pretty good fortune! In fact, we could use this…
A few of my cousins and I, Ai No Miko included, took a ferry over to look for Grenwogs and their eggs. If any of them happen to ask you about where I went, could you fib for me? Ai No Miko won't say it, but she was disappointed in me for causing you trouble during the Lunar New Year. The Jade Dragon's descendant, Baoyu Lin, was our appointed guard, so he'll be really nosy about finding out what happened.
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
Oh my gosh, THERE you are! Now we can finally get you fitted for your new ensemble… after you get me out of here. This annoying weirdo keeps pestering me. I hate it when people badmouth Miko! Besides, I actually do have something important to give you. Baoyu left behind a journal of his thoughts on the Yokai. The drama with the Dragons came up before he had time to present his thoughts to Miko's private court.
Ugh, I wanted to stay in Haku Village to support Miko and Baoyu, but the people here are so weird. They keep trying to drag me into gossiping with them. It's all lies about Miko being a pushover, and the Great Yokai Spirit getting angry about it. Since when did that happen? And it isn't just that. Whenever I'm not paying attention, the villagers sneak beetles into my pocket. W- why? Is it supposed to be funny?
To be honest, the thought of Miko and Baoyu leaving to duel a Dragon alone is making me lose a lot of sleep. I keep hallucinating fox tails and ears on the villagers. Wait, do you see them too? Could these people actually be fox spirits disguised as humans? That explains where all these crazy rumors are coming from…but what, are they doing this for fun? Then again, Haku Village WAS where Seiwa and Kanmu befriended Kitsune. Now that he's gone…
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
I'm a designer, not a warlord, but I know the people of the Isles like the back of my hand! We're rooting out the Kitsune Spies hiding in the village so you can kick their tails to the curb! Keep up the good work- you've got this! Miko and Baoyu are going to be back in no time!
Miko had all the Lords and Warriors spread out across the Isles to protect the villages, but the Yokai are keeping our main forces from reaching each other. They were working with the Dragons behind our backs. We're being squeezed tight from land and sea! Grand Uncle Zheng has the sea under control, so the rest of us need to clean out the Isles. With you here, we'll see it through!
I keep hearing the same problems on the wind and rivers. None of the villages can be safely evacuated because the woods are swarming with Yokai. Everyone was getting discouraged at first, but I sent word that you and Miko were doing your best. It's motivating people to grab anything they can get their hands on to follow your example. You've always taken care of the Isles. The least we can do is make sure you aren't fighting alone.
Just to be clear, I'm talking about the Chaos Lord, not the Fox Yokai as a whole. For a while, he really was a hero, and close friend to the humans who settled on the Isles- including Miko's dad. Unfortunately, he lost it in the end, and that completely overshadowed all of the actual good he did. It's a shame, but I don't blame you. He was too far gone, and there was no choice but to banish him. I doubt the rest of these creeps feel the same way, though…
After completing the 'Head Kukol'nyy' quest:
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
Miko's stuck in the Yokai Ream? No! We have to go rescue her! I'll do whatever it takes to bring her back safe and sound. We couldn't do anything when Emperor Daisho died, but I'm done hiding. I promise I won't cry… because I already did. Yiren was nice enough to let me blow my nose into his sleeve. He's still a stranger, and kind of unhinged, but it's easy for him to make you forget about that.
Miko had all the Lords and Warriors spread out across the Isles to protect the villages, but the Yokai are keeping our main forces from reaching each other. They were working with the Dragons behind our backs. We're being squeezed tight from land and sea! Grand Uncle Zheng has the sea under control, so the rest of us need to clean out the Isles. With you here, we'll see it through!
I keep hearing the same problems on the wind and rivers. None of the villages can be safely evacuated because the woods are swarming with Yokai. Everyone was getting discouraged at first, but I sent word that you and Miko were doing your best. It's motivating people to grab anything they can get their hands on to follow your example. You've always taken care of the Isles. The least we can do is make sure you aren't fighting alone.
Just to be clear, I'm talking about the Chaos Lord, not the Fox Yokai as a whole. For a while, he really was a hero, and close friend to the humans who settled on the Isles- including Miko's dad. Unfortunately, he lost it in the end, and that completely overshadowed all of the actual good he did. It's a shame, but I don't blame you. He was too far gone, and there was no choice but to banish him. I doubt the rest of these creeps feel the same way, though…

Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
The Lunar New Year's on the horizon and I'll be handling the blessings this year. I'm Yue, descendant of the original Rabbit Princess. It's been a while since Kitsune passed away. Empress Ai no Miko says it should be safe for me to personally be a part of the festivities this time. Though I already consider our meeting a blessing, I won't shirk my duties. Let's get to know each other while we get things ready.
Zodiac Legend
I am one of the twelve spirits the Great Yokai Spirit created…but that's a cover story to protect us. I'm just a designer. My ancestor renounced her title as Princess of the Wuji Empire. She and her siblings fled to the Yokai Isles and were hidden from Kitsune. Now that the fox is gone, it's safe for us to celebrate with everyone openly! If you'd like to know more, read this scroll next to me.
Water Rabbit
Those born in the years blessed by the Rabbit are seen as intelligent, kind, confident, and chic. Are we always chic? I say just go with the flow and be your best self. Then everyone can be chic! But this year's element is water, and water rabbits have tough growing pains. They turn their hard times into new strength. Though I wouldn't know. I'm an Earth Rabbit, so I'm supposedly lucky my whole life.
The Moon
Stories passed down through my family tell of how my ancestor was a beloved companion of the Moon. Every time I take a midnight stroll to drum up some design inspiration, the clouds always part and the Moon lights my way. This year, would you help me send blessings to the Moon? It is the Lunar New Year after all, and the people of the Yokai Isles love a good moon viewing party!
- Yue Huang's Quests
- Descendants Design Merge
After completing the 'Eto... Bleh' quest:
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
Uh oh. I turned around for a moment and the Etokoun got a lot more…wet. As I stepped towards it, it squelched and hopped off to hide by the giant tree. The bugs wriggling in the ground it walked on became immortal. A few bugs is fine, but if anything else partakes in its bodily elixir, we will literally never hear the end of it. It's all good, just defeat it and I'll take care of the rest.
Zodiac Legend
I am one of the twelve spirits the Great Yokai Spirit created…but that's a cover story to protect us. I'm just a designer. My ancestor renounced her title as Princess of the Wuji Empire. She and her siblings fled to the Yokai Isles and were hidden from Kitsune. Now that the fox is gone, it's safe for us to celebrate with everyone openly! If you'd like to know more, read this scroll next to me.
Water Rabbit
Those born in the years blessed by the Rabbit are seen as intelligent, kind, confident, and chic. Are we always chic? I say just go with the flow and be your best self. Then everyone can be chic! But this year's element is water, and water rabbits have tough growing pains. They turn their hard times into new strength. Though I wouldn't know. I'm an Earth Rabbit, so I'm supposedly lucky my whole life.
The Moon
Stories passed down through my family tell of how my ancestor was a beloved companion of the Moon. Every time I take a midnight stroll to drum up some design inspiration, the clouds always part and the Moon lights my way. This year, would you help me send blessings to the Moon? It is the Lunar New Year after all, and the people of the Yokai Isles love a good moon viewing party!
- Yue Huang's Quests
- Descendants Design Merge
After completing the 'Elixir of the Moon' quest:
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
Thank you for calming the Etokoun! It wasn't hopping around for long, and only a few ants and worms drank from its body. What harm could a couple of immortal bugs do? I'm sure it's fine. With your help, preparations for the Lunar New Year and moon viewing party are ready to go! I owe you big time, so expect getting something nice to wear in the future.
Zodiac Legend
I am one of the twelve spirits the Great Yokai Spirit created…but that's a cover story to protect us. I'm just a designer. My ancestor renounced her title as Princess of the Wuji Empire. She and her siblings fled to the Yokai Isles and were hidden from Kitsune. Now that the fox is gone, it's safe for us to celebrate with everyone openly! If you'd like to know more, read this scroll next to me.
Water Rabbit
Those born in the years blessed by the Rabbit are seen as intelligent, kind, confident, and chic. Are we always chic? I say just go with the flow and be your best self. Then everyone can be chic! But this year's element is water, and water rabbits have tough growing pains. They turn their hard times into new strength. Though I wouldn't know. I'm an Earth Rabbit, so I'm supposedly lucky my whole life.
The Moon
Stories passed down through my family tell of how my ancestor was a beloved companion of the Moon. Every time I take a midnight stroll to drum up some design inspiration, the clouds always part and the Moon lights my way. This year, would you help me send blessings to the Moon? It is the Lunar New Year after all, and the people of the Yokai Isles love a good moon viewing party!
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
Urp, no I'm not sea sick, but I'm super sick of looking at the shoddy pirate outfits I made for the crew! The kidnapping plan came up last minute so I didn't have time to design anything better. It isn't too late! Could you do me a few favors? I promise I'll give you coupons for the boutique I'll open one day.
Rabbit Princess
My ancestor was the Rabbit Princess, daughter of the Emperor of Steel and the Rabbit Consort. Oh no no, that doesn't mean that she was a literal rabbit even if that would have been really cute! 'Rabbit' is sort of a nickname inherited from her mother. She lived in the Rabbit Pavilion of the Emperor's private Silver Garden - a forbidden royal city of sorts - as she wove silk threads and cast spells inspired by her dearest friend, the Moon.
Day Job
I'm not an advisor, warrior, or anything like that. What I do is way more important! I'm a designer you can hit up for clothes, accessories, and free make-up tips if we become close friends. In fact, I made most of the Kimonos in Empress Ai No Miko's wardrobe. Admittedly, I lose so much sleep worrying that I'll put her in something tacky, old, gimmicky, or plain ugly, but I usually shrug it off. One day, I hope I'll make something lovely for you!
Every descendant of the original twelve royals from Wuji are distant cousins. This year, I've become closer to Ai No Miko to the point where she told me to just call her Ai in private. As for the others, the youngest of the Tiger Princess' descendant's was born last year. He's on board snoozing away, what a cutie! The Mouse Princess' direct descendant was supposed to be here too, but he's…problematic. A Shadowscythe warrior, I heard.
After completing the 'Hoo Wants a Cracker' quest:
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
Thanks for helping me fix everyone's pirate costumes! It's so weird that there are strange owls flying about up in the ship's masts. In broad daylight too! Haha, are they working overtime? Hmm…Would you please tell Baoyu about it? This might be important.
Rabbit Princess
My ancestor was the Rabbit Princess, daughter of the Emperor of Steel and the Rabbit Consort. Oh no no, that doesn't mean that she was a literal rabbit even if that would have been really cute! 'Rabbit' is sort of a nickname inherited from her mother. She lived in the Rabbit Pavilion of the Emperor's private Silver Garden - a forbidden royal city of sorts - as she wove silk threads and cast spells inspired by her dearest friend, the Moon.
Day Job
I'm not an advisor, warrior, or anything like that. What I do is way more important! I'm a designer you can hit up for clothes, accessories, and free make-up tips if we become close friends. In fact, I made most of the Kimonos in Empress Ai No Miko's wardrobe. Admittedly, I lose so much sleep worrying that I'll put her in something tacky, old, gimmicky, or plain ugly, but I usually shrug it off. One day, I hope I'll make something lovely for you!
Every descendant of the original twelve royals from Wuji are distant cousins. This year, I've become closer to Ai No Miko to the point where she told me to just call her Ai in private. As for the others, the youngest of the Tiger Princess' descendant's was born last year. He's on board snoozing away, what a cutie! The Mouse Princess' direct descendant was supposed to be here too, but he's…problematic. A Shadowscythe warrior, I heard.
After completing the 'Salty Roots' quest:
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
We made it to Takarajima safe and sound! You could also call it 'Treasure Island' and it's where the Yokai royal family would hide their personal treasures in times of strife. This time, we're the treasures, but it looks like the ships from Wuji already know our hiding spots thanks to the Greenguard Ship. I heard that we won't have time to sail away fast enough, so we're gathering our belongings to head down Takarajima's cave.
Rabbit Princess
My ancestor was the Rabbit Princess, daughter of the Emperor of Steel and the Rabbit Consort. Oh no no, that doesn't mean that she was a literal rabbit even if that would have been really cute! 'Rabbit' is sort of a nickname inherited from her mother. She lived in the Rabbit Pavilion of the Emperor's private Silver Garden - a forbidden royal city of sorts - as she wove silk threads and cast spells inspired by her dearest friend, the Moon.
Day Job
I'm not an advisor, warrior, or anything like that. What I do is way more important! I'm a designer you can hit up for clothes, accessories, and free make-up tips if we become close friends. In fact, I made most of the Kimonos in Empress Ai No Miko's wardrobe. Admittedly, I lose so much sleep worrying that I'll put her in something tacky, old, gimmicky, or plain ugly, but I usually shrug it off. One day, I hope I'll make something lovely for you!
Every descendant of the original twelve royals from Wuji are distant cousins. This year, I've become closer to Ai No Miko to the point where she told me to just call her Ai in private. As for the others, the youngest of the Tiger Princess' descendant's was born last year. He's on board snoozing away, what a cutie! The Mouse Princess' direct descendant was supposed to be here too, but he's…problematic. A Shadowscythe warrior, I heard.
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
Did Baoyu and Haruki get you up to speed? If they did, then it's my turn! Yiren said that my innate magic is strong enough to allow me to be in the Yokai Realm without melting. That's crazy scary, but I'll do everything I can to help you and Ai!
The Yokai Realm isn't meant for humans, or non-Yokai I guess. I wonder how a place like this can exist.Innate
Yiren said that my innate magic is strong enough to allow me to be in the Yokai Realm without melting. My ancestors were blessed with it in order to participate in ancient wars. I guess if he's another escapee from Wuji, he'd know enough about that. Yiren even showed me that we could cut through Koschei's creepy red strings with our magic. I tried to do it with a regular pair of scissors, but they crumpled.Childhood
The Yokai Realm's conjuring scenes from Ai No Miko's childhood. I recognize those shades over there. They're me and Baoyu trying to get Ai to come outside to play. She worked so hard, even before she turned ten. It must have been lonely. I wonder why the Realm is digging into these memories. Did she have a deeper connection to the Yokai than we thought, or did something else happen?Secret
Yup, I heard from Haruki. Baoyu looks all stiff and serious, but he loves to overshare with close family. Cross my heart, no one else is going to know about you being a Dragon - which is awesome, by the way! Ai No Miko must be thinking about that prophecy way back when you saved the Isles from Chaos Lord Kitsune. It turned out to be completely literal. When we get Ai back and kick your stalker to the curb, I'll make a giant kimono for you.
- Yue Huang's Quests (After completing the 'Hoshi no Tama' quest)
After completing the 'Left Behind' quest:
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
We've done a complete search of this area and learned a lot about Ai No Miko's past, but there's still no sign of the real Miko. Go past the house and to the cliff's edge. Yiren's waiting for you there… I think he's getting close to finding her!
The Yokai Realm isn't meant for humans, or non-Yokai I guess. I wonder how a place like this can exist.Innate
Yiren said that my innate magic is strong enough to allow me to be in the Yokai Realm without melting. My ancestors were blessed with it in order to participate in ancient wars. I guess if he's another escapee from Wuji, he'd know enough about that. Yiren even showed me that we could cut through Koschei's creepy red strings with our magic. I tried to do it with a regular pair of scissors, but they crumpled.Childhood
The Yokai Realm's conjuring scenes from Ai No Miko's childhood. I recognize those shades over there. They're me and Baoyu trying to get Ai to come outside to play. She worked so hard, even before she turned ten. It must have been lonely. I wonder why the Realm is digging into these memories. Did she have a deeper connection to the Yokai than we thought, or did something else happen?Secret
Yup, I heard from Haruki. Baoyu looks all stiff and serious, but he loves to overshare with close family. Cross my heart, no one else is going to know about you being a Dragon - which is awesome, by the way! Ai No Miko must be thinking about that prophecy way back when you saved the Isles from Chaos Lord Kitsune. It turned out to be completely literal. When we get Ai back and kick your stalker to the curb, I'll make a giant kimono for you.
After completing the 'Corrupted Protector' quest:
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
I'm so glad Ai's okay! Where's Yiren? I need to blow my nose in his sleeve again. I know we're not out of the woods yet, but the Great Yokai Spirit protected Ai. In the back of my mind, I always worried that the descendants from Wuji were never really accepted by the Great Spirit. Maybe it was a story to make us be more willing to worship her. I've never been happier to be proven wrong. We'll get through this, and Ai's going to be fine.
The Yokai Realm isn't meant for humans, or non-Yokai I guess. I wonder how a place like this can exist.Innate
Yiren said that my innate magic is strong enough to allow me to be in the Yokai Realm without melting. My ancestors were blessed with it in order to participate in ancient wars. I guess if he's another escapee from Wuji, he'd know enough about that. Yiren even showed me that we could cut through Koschei's creepy red strings with our magic. I tried to do it with a regular pair of scissors, but they crumpled.Childhood
The Yokai Realm's conjuring scenes from Ai No Miko's childhood. I recognize those shades over there. They're me and Baoyu trying to get Ai to come outside to play. She worked so hard, even before she turned ten. It must have been lonely. I wonder why the Realm is digging into these memories. Did she have a deeper connection to the Yokai than we thought, or did something else happen?Secret
Yup, I heard from Haruki. Baoyu looks all stiff and serious, but he loves to overshare with close family. Cross my heart, no one else is going to know about you being a Dragon - which is awesome, by the way! Ai No Miko must be thinking about that prophecy way back when you saved the Isles from Chaos Lord Kitsune. It turned out to be completely literal. When we get Ai back and kick your stalker to the curb, I'll make a giant kimono for you.
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
Ramona came all the way with her baby! I'll help her get Zhihao to sing Tian Hei Hei with us like Yiren wanted. Thankfully, it's an easy enough jingle to teach. Don't worry about us. This spell is something else! I was never one for magic or combat, but I'm energized! One of those creepy Dragons got too close, and I totally slapped its teeth out!
After completing the 'Ame no Murakumo' quest:
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
I need a vacation. Tagging along with Ai and Baoyu sounds great, actually. You can't expect me to just go back to my daily life after Ai No Miko ascended. Ah, I don't even want to think about the immortality thing yet. Um, you're a Dragon so…I hope I can bother you about giving me tips. My innate magic's going out of whack too. Water bubbles whenever I get close. Am I accidentally turning puddles into immortality shakes? Argh!
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
I pinched my cheeks as hard as I could and pulled myself together. Those mercury snakes are below deck, and their poison makes my insides feel like mush. I brought Ramona, her baby, and any passengers that could move as high up as we could get for more air. These freaky zombie guys followed us, and the best we can do is kick them down. Eek, these are some dire straits!
After completing the 'Pearl of my Heart' quest:
Descendant of the Jade Rabbit
Ai introduced Admiral Zheng to us all! Great grand uncle gave me a bunch of pocket money and sweets! You should have seen his face when he saw Ramona's baby, it crinkled like wet laundry. he had to really scrunch his nose to keep himself together when he got to hold the little guy too. I'm so happy everything went well. We're even going to come back to Akiba with a bigger family!
- Elixir Grenwog (Location)
- Haku Village
- Haku War
- Yokai Hunt
- Yokai Pirate
- Yokai Portal
- Yokai Realm
- Yokai Treasure
- Yu Huang (玉皇) means "Jade Emperor" in Chinese.
- Appears on Screen 6 of Yokai Hunt after completing the 'Etokoun Captured' quest.
Thanks to Bad and Tux47.
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