Yokai Junkyard
Field-Level 15
This is the safe haven to the forgotten, tossed-out Yokai known as Tsukumo-Gami. Keep an out for the fabled Mountain Hag who is rumored to be hiding somewhere amongst the piles of filth.
- Onibaba x1
- Tsukumo-Gami (1) x2
- Tsukumo-Gami (2) x2
- Tsukumo-Gami (3) x2
- Tsukumo-Gami (4) x2
- Tsukumo-Gami (5) x2
- Tsukumo-Gami (6) x2
Map Name: junkyard
Room Limit: 12
Access Points:
- /join junkyard
- Button in Jagger's Travel Map
- Bamboo Forest - West of Screen 5
- Yokai Map
Note: Yokai (妖怪) means "Devil" in Japanese.
Thanks to LiteSage and XaosKoltron.
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