Yokai Faction
Leader: Ai No Miko
- Akiba
- Akiba - Chinese New Year
- Bamboo Forest
- Dragonkoi Tournament
- Dragonkoi Z
- Green Shell
- Hachiko Hotel (Location)
- Heiwa Valley
- Odokuro
- Shinrin Grove
- Shogun War (Location)
- The Collector (Location)
- Yokai Graveyard
- Yokai Hunt
- Yokai Junkyard
- Yokai River
- Yokai Star River
- Yokai War (Location)
Faction Quests:
Repeatable quests are Bold and Daily quests are also Italic.
- 8th Head of Orochi's Quests
- A Head has Woken: +5,000 Rep
- New Recruits: +5,000 Rep
- Shadow Essences: +5,000 Rep
- Shadow Heads: +5,000 Rep
- Ai No Miko's Quests
- Dog Days: +2,500 Rep
- Faceless Threat: +3,000 Rep
- Zodiac Puzzle Key: +3,500 Rep
- Rescue!: +8,000 Rep
- Yokai Bandits: +4,500 Rep
- The Fiery Fiend: +5,000 Rep
- Reduce, Respawn, Recycle: +6,000 Rep
- The Hunt for the Hag: +10,000 Rep
- Big Bad Yokai: +1,000 Rep
- Su-she: +7,000 Rep
- Kappa Cuisine: +7,000 Rep
- Hisssssy Fit: +7,500 Rep
- Defeat O-dokuro: +15,000 Rep
- Shadow Medals: +500 Rep
- We Need Supplies: +1,000 Rep
- Help the Samurai: +1,000 Rep
- Arrows for Archers: +1,000 Rep
- Fix the Arrows: +1,000 Rep
- Empowered Shadow Medallions: +1,000 Rep
- Advice from the Spirits: +1,000 Rep
- Fight the Shadows: +1,000 Rep
- Bamboo for Tea: +1,000 Rep
- Defeat the Beast: +1,000 Rep
- Get the Medallions: +1,000 Rep
- Tea for Me: +1,000 Rep
- Get Rid of Kame: +3,000 Rep
- For the Road: +1,000 Rep
- Goryuken: +1,000 Rep
- Feel the Heat: +1,000 Rep
- Get Some Fur: +1,000 Rep
- Howl-ing for you!: +1,000 Rep
- Eyes on the Prize: +1,000 Rep
- Reveal the Trail: +1,000 Rep
- Defeat the Onryo: +1,000 Rep
- Calm the Spirits: +1,000 Rep
- Disarm the Samurai: +1,000 Rep
- Find the Throne Room: +3,000 Rep
- Get to the Roof: +5,000 Rep
- Find Jaaku!: +10,000 Rep
- Defeat Jaaku!: +20,000 Rep
- Nope-perabo: + 1,000 Rep
- Intel Processor: + 1,000 Rep
- Scout Out: + 1,000 Rep
- Re-info-source-ments: + 1,000 Rep
- Yokai Ox Spirit: + 2,000 Rep
- Etokoun Captured: + 2,500 Rep
- Hungry for Oxen: + 500 Rep
- Cap'n Herlock's Quests
- Turtle Power: +1,000 Rep
- Setting Sail to Yokai: +1,500 Rep
- Dragonkoi Z Quests
- Pockey Challenge: +1,500 Rep
- Ninja Challenge: +1,500 Rep
- Best Challenge: +2,500 Rep
- Hashi Hime's Quests
- Defeat O-Dokuro's Head: +15,000 Rep
- Defeat Kitsune: +30,000 Rep
- Kage's Quest
- Jade Boxes: +200 Rep
- Kame's Quests
- Food for the Utoroshi: +500 Rep
- Summon Otoroshi: +3,000 Rep
- Put out the Fire: +1,000 Rep
- Expell the Tsukumogami: +1,000 Rep
- Convince the Kodama: +1,000 Rep
- Refill the Barrels: +1,000 Rep
- How to Breathe Underwater: +2,000 Rep
- Search for the Shinrin Do: +2,000 Rep
- Take the Shinrin Do: +2,000 Rep
- Battle for the Shinrin Do: +1,000 Rep
- Koro's Quests
- Arm the Militia: 1,000 Rep
- Burn the Bones: +5,000 Rep
- Strange Creatures: +1,000 Rep
- Kunoichi's Quest
- Shadow Embargo: +5,000 Rep
- Malorie's Quests
- Yokai Membership Dues: +15,000 Rep
- Mitsu Bishi's Quest
- Three Water Chestnuts: +3,000 Rep - Required Rank: 4
- Neko Mata's Quests
- The Purrrfect Crime: +8,000 Rep
- The Face Off: +8,500 Rep
- Who is the Greatest?: +5,000 Rep - Required Rank: 4
- Nekomimi's Quest
- Fearsome Forest Fabrics: +5,000 Rep
- Nukemichi's Quests
- Trusted Sources: +700 Rep
- Shades Of Gray: +900 Rep
- Hiding In Shadows: +1,100 Rep
- Fading Light: +1,300 Rep
- Candles in the Dark: +1,500 Rep
- Shadow Battle!: +1,700 Rep
- Defeating Neko Mata on Yokai Graveyard will complete a quest called 'Cat-aclysm', which gives 15,000 Yokai Rep.
- Must be Rank 10 in order to do the 'Void Shogun Farming Quest' quest.
Faction Shops:
Faction Items:
- Bo Staff - Rank 2
- Training Katana - Rank 2
- Black Steel Tonfa - Rank 3
- Cherrywood Tonfa - Rank 3
- Imperial Kama - Rank 3
- Imperial Naginata - Rank 3
- Nekoyasha Mane - Rank 3
- PockeyChew - Rank 3
- Salmon Nigiri Hat - Rank 3
- Brutal Tonfa - Rank 4
- Furious Naginata - Rank 4
- Funa-yurei Morph - Rank 4
- Nekoyasha Face - Rank 4
- Nure Onna (Helm) - Rank 4
- Really Large Chopsticks - Rank 4
- Tuna Nigiri Hat - Rank 4
- Cali Roll Hat - Rank 5
- Dark Prismatic Katana - Rank 5
- Furai - Rank 5
- Karasu Wings - Rank 5
- Sporkion Hood - Rank 5
- Zero Mask - Rank 5
- Yurei Ladle - Rank 5
- Hashi Trident - Rank 6
- Sporkion Spork - Rank 6
- Absolute Zero (Armor) - Rank 7
- Akiban Defender's Katana Cape - Rank 7
- Elegant Kimono - Rank 7
- Sporkion Garb - Rank 7
- Akiban Defender Helm - Rank 8
- Nekoyasha Robe - Rank 8
- Akiban Defender's Blade - Rank 9
- Light Prismatic Katana - Rank 9
- Akiban Defender - Rank 10
- Betrayal Blade of Nulgath (Rare) - Rank 10
- Dual 2nd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath - Rank 10
- Dual 6th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath - Rank 10
- Dual Imperial Chunin Kunai - Rank 10
- Dual Imperial Chunin Ninjato - Rank 10
- Dual Imperial Chunin Sai - Rank 10
- Imperial Chunin - Rank 10
- Imperial Chunin Armor - Rank 10
- Imperial Chunin Clone - Rank 10
- Imperial Chunin Hood - Rank 10
- Imperial Chunin Kunai - Rank 10
- Imperial Chunin Light Sedge Hat - Rank 10
- Imperial Chunin Ninjato - Rank 10
- Imperial Chunin Sai - Rank 10
- Imperial Chunin Scarf - Rank 10
- Imperial Chunin Sedge Hat - Rank 10
- Loyalty Blade of the Nation - Rank 10
- Oni Skull Charm - Rank 10
- Shadow Katana Blade - Rank 10
- Unstable Betrayal Blade - Rank 10
- Unstable Betrayal Blades - Rank 10
Thanks to boomboompowboyz, cornfield10, Msbo13, mturf, Rivvit and woodpeckers.
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