Quest Location: Chairman Platinum's Evolving Environmental Art Gallery
Quests Begun From: Yes, Ma'am
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Going Going Is Bananas
- Your FrAInds!
- Green Soy Fodder
- WIPs
- Anatomical Nightmare
- Dead Eyed
- Unspecified Seafood
- Too Literal
- Oversaturation
- Pull the Plug
Observe. A lush forest environment created by Chairman Platinum. The fauna are just as realistic as the flora, with the Chairman's own… realism-based style. The GorillAIphants' aggression is quite realistic as well. Perhaps too much. I ask that you subdue them before we continue.
Items Required:
- GorillAIphant Fleas x6,656
- Dropped by GorillAIphant
- 1,001 Gold
- 1,010 Exp
Quest Location: Chairman Platinum's Evolving Environmental Art Gallery
Quests Begun From: Yes, Ma'am
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Pull the Plug' quest.
The Evolving Environment Art Gallery is still open, but it can't possibly impress potential investors in this state. As thanks for earlier, I'll extend a special offer to you: help me clean up, and you'll be reimbursed for your time. All you have to do is wrangle the skeletons and fish, and make sure that the Blender doesn't wake up again.
Items Required:
- AI Learning Algorithm x1,643,631 (Stacks up to 27,528,340)
- Dropped by Ebil AI Blender
- Blurry Teeth x94,543 (Stacks up to 945,430)
- Dropped by Ununskellingdens
- Wet Sashimi x64,731 (Stacks up to 647,310)
- Dropped by Fish (Monster)
- 2,535 Gold
- 6,225 Exp
You will receive one of the following items:
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
- Epic Item Name x92
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!