Paladin, Re-Animation Specialist
Greetings, Hero! On my way here from Battleunder, I picked up these items that I want to add special animations to, but the Lich in Battleundera stole my Crystals of Reanimation. I'd be happy to let you pick one of them if you can bring my crystals back to me! Or you can select any of the items I've already animated from my shop!
- Animated Special Gear Shop
- Yara's Quests
- To Battleunder
Greetings, Hero! You have no idea how long it's been since I've seen another human! The name's Yara, and one day I wish to be the strongest Paladin ever!
There were rumors going around of a secret underground tunnel beneath Battleon. The rumors spoke of horrible monsters that hide in the shadows, progressively getting stronger and more vicious the deeper the tunnel travels.
Residents of Battleon started reporting strange sounds coming from underground just a few days ago. So, of course I had to investigate! I searched Battleon high and low and eventually found a secret passageway. And look were it brought me!
These tunnels appear to go on for miles. Where they lead, I have no idea. But there is only one way to find out, right? C'mon, this will be fun!
- Yara's Quests
Hello again! Surprised to see me? I've been down here for a LONG time, hero. I know all the short cuts. Now that we've gained access the second layer of BattleUnder, I have some new quests for you…. and a magic chest for you to open!
I found this chest just sitting here. I tried to get it open but it appears to have some kind of enchantment on it. Depending on which key you use to open it, there are different things inside. Sometimes…. it's just empty
From what I can tell all the monsters on this level have split all the keys up into different fragments. If you can find all the fragments to they separate keys, you should be able to open the chest.
There is a lot more BattleUnder to explore! As soon as we can find a way to activate the portal, we should be able to make our way further into the dungeon. Warlic is researching how to open the portal right now!
- Yara's Quests
Hooray! You made it through the portal!…yeah, I kinda snuck in when you were figuring it all out. Welcome to the third layer of BattleUnder. It's nothing like i expected it to be! Got some new quests for you…and a Merge Shop filled with awesome items! Shall we get started?
Just look at this place! BattleUnder keeps getting stranger and stranger the deeper we dive. And the monster here are more powerful than any others we have me so far. I'd be very, very careful if i were you.
Recenty, a bunch of monster throughout BattleUnder have been dropping something I call "Undead Essences." I found out that I could MERGE these items to create NEW items! You can check out my new item discoveries in my Merge Shop.
I have even seen some of these cavern beasties with the super rare Cavern Celestite gemstones. Some of the items in my Merge Shop require these beautiful gems in order to make the coolest of gear. But enough chit-chat; we're got some exploring to do!
- Yara's Quests
- Merge Shop
That must have been a magic whirlpool, bacause i'm not wet at all! welcome to the fourth layer of BattleUnder. it is beautiful, but so very cold! i have received information that warms my heart, though! Listen closely, Hero, and than you must begin.
I have had disturbing news from… a friend there is an ancient water spirit trapped here. She holds one of the keys to brining the light back to this dark realm. We must free her!
The closer we get to the core of this dark dungeon, the more sure i am that we MUST bring back the light! And to do that, we'll need to find Nymue, guardian of the Ice Calibreaker. She is trapped somewhere in this icy cavern!
- Yara's Quests
After completing the 'Shatter It Just a Little Bit' quest:
You have done it, Hero! We have found what we sought! Do not mind Nymue; she is a shy Spirit, but she would not give up the Ice Calibreaker to one who is not worthy. She has given you her blade and her blessing, and those are not lightly won.
Wait until I summon you before venturing further below. We must scout the area to know what to expect. You will need to return when the need is greatest. I will call when that time comes.
- Yara's Quests
- Icy Cache Merge
Note: This dialogue is a parody of the song 'Without Me' by Eminem.
Paladidn't Expect it to Smell so Bad Here
Guess who's back, back again. Hero's back, tell a friend. Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's… oh. You probaby get it. It's you. Man… I do not think all these sulfur fumes are good for me.
After completing the 'Mind the Fumes' quest:
Paladidn't Expect it to Smell so Bad Here
You probably don't NEED to kill the dragon. But I doubt it'll be your choice. You've ventured too close to their Mama, and she looks pretty hot under the dragon collar. I share her pain. This armor does not breathe well. … I need some fresh air. Hurry it up, k?
Yo. Earthquakes are bad. Earthquakes plus fire dragons overheard are worse. *giggle* The townies up top are scared. SO YOU get to go figure things out. Again. #NeedAHero — what? Modern Paladins love using Slashtags. (Woah… hero, I feel dizzy. And giggly. I am never giggles.)
- Molten Forge
- Yara's Quests
After completing the 'Poor Baby' quest:
Paladidn't Expect it to Smell so Bad Here
So… this place has a lot more caverns than I've explored. Get to finding stuff. Who knows? You might find loot. Loot's cool. Hmm. Cool sounds great right now. Don't be surprised if I'm not here when you get back. This place is too hot for me.
Yo. Earthquakes are bad. Earthquakes plus fire dragons overheard are worse. *giggle* The townies up top are scared. SO YOU get to go figure things out. Again. #NeedAHero — what? Modern Paladins love using Slashtags. (Woah… hero, I feel dizzy. And giggly. I am never giggles.)
- Molten Forge
- Yara's Quests
The best way to succeed and survive in Lore is to know your surroundings. And in this case, that means: knowing how to navigate your interface, how to chat, and how to stay safe!
If you've got more questions once you get to Battleon, talk to Twilly or a Cleric!
Game Commands
Game Commands and Player Emotes Guide
/join roomname
/w player
/r player
/goto player
/ignore player
/unignore player
/rest |
Join a new room
Report for harassment
Whisper to player
Reply to player
Go to other player
Ignore other player
Unignore other player
Heal after battle |
/wave |
/airguitar |
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