Jump to: DragonPlane, Earth Realm, DragonPlane Water, Water Realm, DragonPlane Wind, Wind Realm, DragonPlane Fire, Fire Realm, DragonPlane Final, Desoloth War.
Quest Location: DragonPlane (Screen 1)
Quests Begun From: X'dir (1)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
To free my master you will need to enter the four elemental realms of the DragonPlane. Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Please go explore this part of the DragonPlane and find the portals to each realm, then find the DragonGate. It looks like a huge magic circle at the end of the path. Return to me when you are done.
Items Required:
- Earth Realm Found x1
- Go to Screen 2
- Water Realm Found x1
- Go to Screen 3
- Air Realm Found x1
- Go to Screen 4
- Fire Realm Found x1
- Go to Screen 5
- DragonGate Found x1
- Go to Screen 6
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to Hina.
Quest Location: DragonPlane (Screen 7)
Quests Begun From: X'dir (1)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Meet me in the Earth Realm' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Breaking Chains
- Soil Sprites
- Cripple The Earth Prime
- Ward Of The Stone
- Moganth's Dracoscintilla
- Meet me in the DragonPlane
To shatter the DragonMark you will need something from each of the four Prime Elemental Dragons, but you can't attack them until you weaken their connection to their realm. Go, destroy 5 Earth Elementals and 5 Living Earths. Return here when you are done.
Items Required:
- Earth Elemental Destroyed x5
- Dropped by Earth Elemental (1)
- Living Earth Destroyed x5
- Dropped by Living Earth
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to ANGELO13542 and Hina.
Quest Location: DragonPlane (Screen 1)
Quests Begun From: X'dir (1)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Meet me in the DragonPlane' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
You have already obtained the first Dracoscintilla. Next we should head to the Water Realm and face Udaroth, the Water Prime. Go place the attuning torches around the DragonPlane. Let me know when this is done.
Items Required:
- Attuning Torch Placed x6
- Click on the arrows around the map
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to Dukey.
Quest Location: Water
Quests Begun From: X'dir (1)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Meet me in the Water Realm' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Weaken The Bonds
- Udaroth Is Ready
- A Loophole
- Flipping The Script
- Udaroth, The Water Prime
- Meet me in the DragonPlane
First we will need to weaken Udaroth as you did Moganth. Destroy 5 Water Elementals and 5 Living Waters. Return here when your task is complete.
Items Required:
- Water Elemental Destroyed x5
- Dropped by Water Elemental (1)
- Living Water Destroyed x5
- Dropped by Living Water
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to Dukey.
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From: X'dir (1)
Requirements Must have completed the 'Meet me in the DragonPlane' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Every Prime Dragon is unthinkably powerful but in the DragonPlane their power is magnified. Each victory makes our task more difficult. Quickly, place the attuning torches in their places so we can enter the Air Realm!
Items Required:
- Attuning Torch Placed x6
- Click on the arrows around DragonPlane
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to Dukey.
Quest Location: Wind
Quests Begun From: X'dir (1)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Meet me in the Air Realm' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- A Weak Wind
- An Ounce Of Prevention
- This Is A Breeze
- Chime Time
- Cellot, The Air Prime
- Meet me in the DragonPlane
Cellot has prepared for us. You will need to defeat even more of her soldiers than you have the other times. Destroy 8 Wind Elementals and 8 Living Airs. Return here when your task is complete.
Items Required:
- Wind Elemental Destroyed x8
- Dropped by Wind Elemental (3)
- Living Air Destroyed x8
- Dropped by Living Air
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to Dukey.
Quest Location: DragonPlane (Screen 1)
Quests Begun From: X'dir (1)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Meet me in the DragonPlane' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Only one Prime left. Place the attuning torches and we will be on our way.
Items Required:
- Attuning Torch Placed x6
- Click on the arrows around the map
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to Dukey.
Quest Location: Fire
Quests Begun From: X'dir (1)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Meet me in the Fire Plane' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
I can sense the heat of the Fire prime's anger. He has sensed the others fall and knows that we are here. You will need to defeat 10 Fire Elementals and 10 Living Fires to even begin to weaken him. Return once this task is complete.
Items Required:
- Fire Elemental Destroyed x10
- Dropped by Fire Elemental (Monster) (1)
- Living Fire Destroyed x10
- Dropped by Living Fire
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to Dukey.
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From: X'dir (1)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Meet me in the DragonPlane' quest.
- Previously Legend only.
- This quest moves from DragonPlane (Screen 1) to Desoloth (Location) after completing it for the first time.
I don't know how to thank you for all that you've done for me… for my master. Quickly, let's go open the DragonGate! I'm sure that he will want to thank you himself.
Items Required:
- Desoloth Freed! x1
- Dropped by Desoloth (Monster)
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
- Desoloth Freed Character Page Badge
Thanks to Dukey.
Quest Location: Etherstorm War Desoloth
Quests Begun From: X'dir (1)
My Master has grown strong, stronger than any of those Priests would believe. He is linked to each creature in Etherstorm now, by blood and breath. With every death of an elemental dragon, his power increases. Slay 3 dragons of each element that he may grow much, much stronger. In gratitude, you'll receive 24 warrior tokens of Desoloth.
Items Required:
- Water Dragon Tears x3
- Dropped by Water Dragon Warrior
- Fire Dragon Flames x3
- Dropped by Fire Dragon Warrior
- Air Dragon Breaths x3
- Dropped by Air Dragon Warrior
- Earth Dragon Claws x3
- Dropped by Earth Dragon Warrior
- 500 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 500 Rep: EtherStorm
Thanks to Aero_Man64.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!