- At Desoloth (Location)
- At DragonPlane (Screen 1)
- At DragonPlane (Screen 7)
- At Etherstorm War Desoloth
- At Fire
- At Water
- At Wind
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
You now have all four Dracoscintilla! All that is left is to use them to free Desoloth! Thanks you so much! If not for you my master would have been locked away forever! Quickly, let's open the Dragongate!
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
Thank you, mortal. I would have never had the strength to free Desoloth without you. I will be rewarded for my service to my master. Now he is free in your world and the Elements will be HIS to control and devour! ALL HAIL DESOLOTH, THE FINAL!
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
It took me 737 years but I was finally able to open the DragonPlane portal. Thank you for coming. My master, Desoloth is in need of your help. The DragonMark must be shattered and the DragonGate must be opened before he is lost. If he is sealed away then your world, ALL WORLDS will be doomed!
After completing the 'Carrying the Torches' quest:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
To free my master you will need to collect a Dracoscintilla from each of the great elemental Dragons. The Realm of Earth is closest. Moganth, the Earth Prime is waiting for you there. Return to me with his Dracoscintilla Terra!
After completing the 'Moganth's Dracoscintilla' quest (Free Player):
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
I thank you for defeating the first elemental dragon, but I fear that you would be harmed if you went any further. I cannot ask you to do that. I must find a stronger hero to continue what you started. Desoloth must be saved. Thank you for your help.

(Legends Only beyond this point)
After completing the 'Moganth's Dracoscintilla' quest (Legend):
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
Well done, but there are three more Elemental Prime Dragons to face. To free my master, you will need a Dracoscintilla from each of them. The Realm of Water is next. Udaroth, The Water Prime is waiting for you there. Return to me with her Dracoscintilla Aqua!
After completing the 'Udaroth, The Water Prime' quest:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
Excellent, hero! Half of the Elemental Prime Dragons have fallen. To free my master you will need to collect a Dracoscintilla from each of them. The Realm of Air is next. Cellot, The Air Prime is waiting for you there. Return to me with her Dracoscintilla Aura!
After completing the 'Cellot, The Air Prime' quest:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
Desoloth, my master you will be free soon! Only one Prime left. To free my master you will need to collect a Dracoscintilla from each of them. The Realm of Fire is last. Zellare, The Fire Prime is waiting for you there. Return to me with her Dracoscintilla Ignis!
After completing the 'Zellare, The Fire Prime' quest:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
You now have all four Dracoscintilla! All that is left is to use them to free Desoloth! Thanks you so much! If not for you my master would have been locked away forever! Quickly, let's open the DragonGate!
After completing the 'Open the DragonGate' quest:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
Thank you, mortal. I would never have had the strength to free Desoloth without you. I will be rewarded for my service to my master. Now he is free in your world and the Elements will be HIS to control and devour! ALL HAIL DESOLOTH, THE FINAL!
- X'Dir's Rare ShopTalk
Time is short but I will answer what questions you may have.DragonGate
The DragonGate separates a small part of the DragonPlane from the rest. The four elemental dragons constructed it to hole my master captive before your people had a written language and still passed stories from parent to child. That is where the Song of Desoloth came from.DragonMark
The DragonMark is the lock that seals the DragonGate closed. The Elemental Dragons have been weaving their Elemental Dragon magics together for over 800 years and their work is nearly complete. Once the DragonMark is whole… no power that I know of will be able to break it. You MUST shatter it before it is complete to free my master!DragonPlane
The DragonPlane, also called the Dragon Realm, is the place from which the pure, great dragons first came. This is the nexus where the Physical, Magical and Elemental planes and The Void meet. With all that power pouring into one spot it created the perfect conditions to give rise to the Dragon race, amongst whom my master is the one of the most powerful.Desoloth
My master is one of the true, great dragons. His unthinkable age, elemental magic power and love for you material beings made him a threat to the lesser elemental dragons. They are each tied to a single element but not Desoloth. My master is the living embodiment of ALL elemental magic!Imprisoned?
Eight centuries ago four of the strongest elemental dragons who still reside here where their magic is strongest tricked Desoloth into entering the DragonGate and began weaving the DragonMark to seal him within. They wanted control over all the lesser elemental dragons and it looks like they might succeed unless you are able to stop them!Child's Song
There are no written records of Desoloth on the physical plane but Desoloth still exists in the memories of the people of your world. That is why you still sing of his capture…Desoloth waits in the dark,
Held captive by the DragonMark,
Four Dragons watch him, never blinking,
But even they can't stop his thinking…The power of his thoughts alone,
Give form and shape to living stone,
He breathes the earth and swims in flame,
And plays a slow and patient game…So in his half-dream he must wait,
Units swings wide the DragonGate.
And on that day we will rejoice,
As we dance to his ancient voice.It is an oversimplification of the matter at hand but it gladdens my heart to know that Desoloth is still remembered in your world, if only by the children.
Just as there are many forms of intelligent creatures on the Physical plane… Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Horcs, Trolls and the rest… so it is here on the DragonPlane. I am not a full dragon but a humble Dravix. Our children went to your worlds and eventually became the baser Dravir. The Dravix worship all dragons, but Desoloth took me under his wing.He trained me, taught me many great secrets known only to the dragons and in return I have sworn to serve him faihfully for the rest of my very, very long life. That is why I spent seven centuries trying to open the potal to this plane so a true hero, like you, could enter and save my master.

Faithful Servant of Desoloth
I hate having to oppose dragons but my master cannot be imprisoned forever by these selfish, evil Primes. We have no time to waste… Moganth, The Earth Prime awaits!
After completing the 'Moganth's Dracoscintilla' quest:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
Moganth has fallen! Your work is done here for now.
Servant of Desoloth
A wise decision, Young One. In service to our Master, you will find many rewards. Just be sure you do not betray him; he does not suffer traitors well. Battle in his name, and you will see glory, power and much, much slaughter.
- X'Dir's Quests
I know you think me weak, acting as I do, a servant to a greater Master. But how are YOU any different? You do what you do for your own gain, even as I do. I do not trust you, Young One, but I do not doubt my Master thinks you will be useful.
- Desoloth Merge
- Etherstorm War Rares

Before defeating Zellare:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
The last of the primes is waiting ahead. He is Zellare, The Fire Prime and the most dangerous of the Primes. I do not even know how you can defeat him. I must think…
After defeating Zellare:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
Zellare, The Fire Prime's fire has been extinguished!

Before defeating Udaroth:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
The Water Realm is home to Udaroth, The Water Prime. Since Moganth has fallen she must suspect something. Waste no time!
After defeating Udaroth:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
You have taken Udaroth's Dracoscintilla Aqua and left her too weak to protect the other primes. Well done.

Before defeating Cellot:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
Cellot, The Air Prime rules the Air Realm. She must be prepared for us by now. This will make your task significantly more difficult. Move quickly but carefully, hero!
After defeating Cellot:
Faithful Servant of Desoloth
You have defeated Cellot, but she remains in her realm guarding her treasures.
Note: Also see X'Dir (2).
Thanks to Dukey, Skyguard ninja, Syudanco and Tristyn.
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