AdventureQuest Guardian
Welcome to the Guardian Shop, Home of the first… and the best… Guardian Shop to survive a Meat-eor crashing into Battleon. We have the Guardian Class for verified AdventureQuest Guardians!
The Guardians were the first of all.. the first of the special protectors of our land. They fight dragons, frogzards and armies of the undead - not to mention Ninjas and Pirates!Frogzards?
Our trainers are the best - we can be DragonSlayers, Vampire Slayers, Mages, Rogues, Ninjas, Paladins… and the list goes on! As long as you're willing to study, you can be anything you want to be!
Guardians are protectors and defenders of the people. To master the powerfull Guardian Class you will need ample Strength and Endurance and some Dexterity.
- Also see:
Thanks to Burn, Sir Ory and .Shadow//
Meet this NPC in our free web game at www.AQ.com!