ArchPaladin Trainer
Well met, Hero! May the Light shine eternal and wipe all wrongdoing from this world. I am Wulfstan, an ArchPaladin on the lookout for brothers and sisters to join the LIghtguard in the battle against the undead! Even if you don’t decide to stand with the Paladin Order I belong to, Lore is always in need of brave souls willing to protect the innocent from Evil. What say you? Does your soul shine?
What is an ArchPaladin?
ArchPaladins are high-ranking warriors from the many Paladin Orders in Lore, the Lightguard being one of them. That said, you can still be an ArchPaladin while working independently. Artix is one such Paladin I greatly admire. So long as your heart is brave and pure, anyone can become an ArchPaladin that protects the innocent, upholds justice… and obliterates the undead en masse. That’s a requirement!
How to Get?
There are three paths you can take to become an ArchPaladin. If you’re already a Paladin, find Artix in the Dark Throne Hub, buy the Exalted Paladin seal from him, and undertake his quests to restate vows to do good. If you’re not a Paladin, Artix will have you do far more difficult quests to prove yourself. There is a third option as well – buying the ArchPaladin Class with Adventure Coins.
How to Use?
Recommended Enhancement: Hybrid, Lucky.
ArchPaladin’s Commandant and Righteous Seal skills severely cripple your opponent’s stats. While Righteous Seal is active, smite your opponent with Sacred Magic: Eden for increased damage and an additional debuff, which increases in power if they are under the effects of Righteous Seal. Finally, don’t forget to use your Hymn of Light to heal you and your allies.
Location: Class Hall D
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Thanks to Tris.
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