In the Heart of BattleonTown
Wishes are important. They are expressions of your hopes, dreams, and goals. Toss a coin into the fountain to make a wish and receive a few words of encouragement to take with you into battle each day!
Daimyo Pet?
Today is the start of a brand-new holiday… Wishing Day. We're going to add a series of quests onto the fountain, which will be a story that people can enjoy year-round. And on this day next year, a very special thing will happen, just as, today, and today only, everyone can get the Daimyo statue to place in your in-game house and members can get the Daimyo member pet.
Daimyo Pet?
This year, Daimyo's birthday began a brand-new holiday: Wishing Day. We're going to add a series of quests onto the fountain, which will be a story that people can enjoy year-round. And on his birthday next year, a very special thing will happen. For right now, though, everyone can get the Daimyo statue to place in your in-game house.
- Wishing Shop
- Fountain Shop
- Wishing Statue's Quest
Location: Battleon Town
Note: Also see List of all Daimyos.

Thanks to Rare.
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