Where is she NOW?
- Nursery - Plays after completing the 'Houston, We Have A Pablum' quest
«Scene: The Hero and Horatio in the kitchen»
Horatio: You told the master you'd take care of this mess. You'd better get the little one into the bath before it gets any worse.
Horatio: …Oh, no. Where did she go?
Hero: You don't have to do that! I'm RIGHT HERE!
Horatio: My apologies. It's so hard to break the habit.
Hero: Aright, alright, it's fine. Now, what did you want to tell me?
Horatio: The master's progeny has ventured outside the fortress.
Horatio: It's too dangerous out there for a baby! You must find her and bring her back inside.
Hero: You don't have to do that! I'm RIGHT HERE!
«Scene fades»
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