What Side Are You On?
- Blood War (Lycan) - Plays after completing the 'Mega Vampire Medals' quest
- Blood War (Vampire) - Plays after completing the 'Mega Lycan Medals' quest
«Scene: Solani standing inside the ritual crypt»
Solani: So it IS true.
«Screen zooms out to show Safiria in the foreground»
Solani: You HAVE come back.
Safiria: Well. Not YET.
Safiria: But by the time the Blood Moon sets, I will have.
Solani: Constantin seems to think he can stop you.
Safiria: He does.
Safiria: But he won't.
Safiria: You should think about which side you want to be on.
«Scene fades»
Previous: Solani Arrives | Next: Confrontation (Cutscene) (2)