- Deep Forest - Plays after completing the 'The Aberration' quest
«Scene: Xing and Xang in Deep Forest»
Xing: Aww!
Xang: Aww!
Xing: You killed it!
Xang: You killed it!
Hero: Xing and Xang! I should have known.
Loremaster Anka: What are you doing here??
Xing: Drakath sent use to keep an eye on you.
Xang: He wouldn't like what you're doing.
Xing: Such a naughty Loremaster. YOU were supposed to find the tunnel and close it.
Xang: But that's not what you're doing.
Xing: Not. At. All.
Loremaster Anka: I told Drakath that I intended to find the Queen's artifact! Has he forgotten already?
Xang: And the artifact just so happens to be down that tunnel? The one that the monsters keep pouring out of?
Xing: How convienent.
Loremaster Anka: Fools. The artifact is the source of the tunnel!
Loremaster Anka: This is where the Queen first became… who she was.
Loremaster Anka: Where the path to another plane opened for her, and led her down into her destiny.
Xang: Hmm.
Xing: Hmmmm.
Loremaster Anka: I don't have time for this.
Loremaster Anka: Go back and tell him if you're going to. I have work to do.
Xang: TELL him?
Xing: Why would we do that?
Xang: That would be way too predicatable.
Xing: No We're going to go WITH you.
Xang: Us, and <Hero>, too.
«Scene fades»