Lycan Battlemage
Grrrrrreetings, Hero! I bring word of new challenges and battles waiting for you in… Dungeon Punks! Click the "Dungeon Punks" button below to journey to a new world filled with magic, mystery, and corporate greed… created by Artix's friends at Hyperawesome Entertainment!
BONUS: Get the game at our site by clicking on the "Dungeon Punks" button below and unlock an exclusive Were-Warlock armor in THIS game, too!
Bonus Reward
Get the exclusive Were-Warlock armor* right here in AdventureQuest Worlds… but only through the special Humble Bundle promotion on our site. Click the button below to learn more about Dungeon Punks and get the game!
*You'll be lycan how you look when you look just like me! /wolfish grinFriends?
Exciting news: We have published our first game!
Hiya, Artix here. As long as you have known us, we have always done both the developing and publishing of our games. But my long time friends at Hyper Awesome Entertainment have created a tag team brawler video game called Dungeon Punks… and we liked it so much, we knew we wanted to be a part of it somehow! We have known them for over 10 years and are proud to be promoting their brand new game.Friends?
Exciting news: We have published our first game!
Hiya, Artix here. As long as you have known us, we have always done both the developing and publishing of our games. But my long time friends at Hyper Awesome Entertainment have created a tag team brawler video game called Dungeon Punks… and we liked it so much, we knew we wanted to be a part of it somehow! We have known them for over 10 years and are proud to be promoting their brand new game.Bonus Reward
Get the exclusive Were-Warlock armor* right here in AdventureQuest Worlds… but only through the special Humble Bundle promotion on our site. Click the button below to learn more about Dungeon Punks and get the game!
*You'll be lycan how you look when you look just like me! /wolfish grin
Location: Battleon
Note: Also see Were-Warlock (Armor).

Thanks to Harrison.
Meet this NPC in our free web game at www.AQ.com!