- Escherion's Tower - After taking down the Hydra, join Escherion's Tower and go to the second screen
«Scene fades in with the Hero in Escherion's room again»
Hero: ESCHERION… we finally meet! Again.
Escherion: You again?! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY TOWER!
Hero: What? It was upside down to start. I got it halfway turned around.
Hero: You should be thanking me.
Escherion: No matter. With the power of the Chaos Staff of Inversion I will have this mess cleaned up soon enough.
Hero: You're not cleaning ANYTHING until I'm done with you!
Hero: I'm taking you down, Chaos Lord.
Escherion: *looks around* You ALREADY took me down. My tower is lying in a lake.
Hero: You..you know what I mean. I'm stopping you today!
Escherion: You and what army?
Otto: THIS army!
«Otto and his family appear by jumping through Escherion's Portal»
Escherion: *sigh* Did you have to bring the riff-raff with you?
Hero: What are you guys doing here? This is dangerous!
Otto: Mobius is our HOME and now that we can enter the tower, we came to help you get rid of Escherion!
Escherion: Did you? How brave of you.
Escherion: But once I invert you I think you will see things differently!
«Escherion hits the family with a ray from the Chaotic Staff of Inversion»
Inverted Villagers: As… AS We saID. We CamEd HeRe tO heLpS EsCHEriOn GeTs rId Of yoU!!!
Escherion: HAHAHAHA! Face it hero, you are no match for my Chaotic Staff of Inversion…
Hero: You sure think a lot about that staff…
Escherion: …What?
Hero: Well it seems that staff is the only thing you have going for you. Without it you'd just be another second rate mage.
Escherion: The Staff is a very powerful. Given to me by Drakath himself! But I don't need it to swat a fly like you.
Staff of Inversion: !?!?!
Escherion: But be warned… The staff is loyal to me.
Escherion: It may decide to protect me of it's own free will! HAHAHAHA!
Escherion: Come, hero. Let us see what you are made of!
«Scene fades»
Previous: The Chaos Hydra | Next: Frogerion/Escherion Defeated