«Scene: the Hero, Warlic, and Cysero inside of the drill»
«The screen shakes»
Hero: What was that?
Cysero: Did you see a cat?
Hero: No.
Cysero: Then you didn't run over a cat.
Warlic: We must have reached the core.
Hero: Let's get out and take a look.
«Scene fades»
«Scene: Cysero, the Hero, and Warlic standing in a cavern full of crystals outside of the drill»
Warlic: Remarkable. These caves are made of crystallized mana.
Warlic: They must have formed around the mana core of the planet.
Hero: So if we follow the caves we can still reach the core?
Warlic: I believe so.
Cysero: Either way the Jusgedonwifit's motivator has burnt out on this sparkly stuff.
Cysero: I can fix'er but I might need to order some parts. I've got a catalog.
Warlic: You'll have to improvise with materials that <Hero> can find down here.
Cysero: OK but it might void the warranty.
«Warlic turns to the Hero»
Warlic: Do you think you can find materials for Cysero while you make your way to the core?
Hero: No problem. Just tell me what to look for!
«Sceen zooms up and fades»
Previous: The Jusgendonwifit | Next: The Core