Warlic's Quests

Jump to: BattleonTown, TwilightSlums, XanCave, XanCave Daily Quests, Amberheart Watchtower, Center of Lore (BattleonTown), Center of Lore (Downward), Dragonrune Hall, Into Chaos / Nexus, Into Chaos / Nexus Daily Quests, Frozen Northlands, Runed Woods, Runed Woods, Third Spell, Nostalgia Quest, Cathedral of Time, The Rift, Charred Path, Drakonnan, Shadow Grove, TheSpan, Time Library, Time Void, AQ Lesson, MQ Lesson, Deep Chaos & Time Space, UltraVoid, Meateor Hunt, Titan Strike, ArchMage, Termina Temple, Glace's Tomb.

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From:

Thank you for answering my call! I have received an urgent message from the Church Elder of Willow Creek. There is a monster loose in the area, attacking their animals and crops. To show me that you are the right person for the job, please go to the Forest and bring me back 5 Zard Tails and (most importantly) the Zard Chieftain's Head. Once you have done that, I know that I can recommend you to Calafas with no reservations.

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp


  • Letter to Calafalas

Thanks to The Legendary Hero.

Quest Location: Twilight Slums
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Magic-flavored Misery' quest.
Note: Click Rowan (1) in Palace to complete the quest.

I have a most important message for Duchess Willa detailing my findings but i will need to attach the authentication token to assure her of its validity. In my searching trough the city, I must have dropped it. It could be in a gutter or some creature's gullet. Please hero, find the sigil and deliver the letter across the bridge. Time is of the essence!

Items Required:

  • Sigil Found x1
    • Click on the blue arrows around the map


  • 700 Gold
  • 700 Exp

Thanks to Syudanco.

Quest Location: Ruins of Shurpu
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed Scoria's Quests

These ruins are ancient but The name Shurpu rings a bell. I think there is a library here. We should be able to find whatever Xan is after in the Library. Once you've found it, come let us know where is it.

Items Required:

  • Library Door Located! x1
    • Go to the massive metal door on Screen 4.


  • 2,000 Gold
  • 2,000 Exp

Thanks to Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: Ruins of Shurpu
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Face Xan' quest.
Note: You can only do one of these quests once per day.

If you wish to gain access to the Pyromancer Shop you will need Shurpu Blaze Tokens. If you bring me a piece of Guardian Shale from the Ring Guardian, then I will craft it into tokens for you.

Items Required


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp


Thanks to LLBALDWINLL and Malak93.

Quest Location: Amberheart Watchtower
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

The smell of fear and pain lingers in the air. Chaos' taint is strong here. Gather 6 pieces of practice gear so I can recover clues. Slay 3 Chaos Wolves and 3 Chaorrupted Gorillaphants so you can enter the tower to search further.

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must be Level 11 to access these quests in Battleon Town.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Note: Quest can only be completed by going to Rayst in Arcangrove.

Please deliver this letter to Rayst outside the Tower of magic. in /Arcangrove. I'd like to know if the Tower magi have clues to the source of they ley line disturbance.

Items Required:


  • 150 Gold
  • 150 Exp

Thanks to Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: Downward
Quest Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Return The Potion To Cysero' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Interesting. I did not expect to encounter so many subterranean creatures immediately. We won't be able to find the Jusgedonwifit until these monsters have been defeated. Please clear all these monsters out of this room before moving downward.

Items Required:


  • 450 Gold
  • 450 Exp

Thanks to Darrathualin.

Quest Location: Dragonrune Hall (Location)
Quest Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Welcome to Dragonrune Hall' quest.

To command the elementals, you must throw yourselves into battles with them again and again and again. Bring me 1 Ice Core, 1 Fire Core, 1 Air Core, 1 Earth Core, and 1 Mana Core from the following elementals: Ice, Fire, Air, Earth, and Mana.

Items Required:



You may also receive at random:

Thanks to AVKP and The Jop.


Quest Location: Into Chaos (Location)
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed all other Chaos storylines.
Note: Legends may skip this requirement and begin these quests immediately.

Drakath has retreated to the Realm of Chaos, and if we're going to stop him from raising the final Lord, we'll have to follow. But… I'm not sure how.

Find Rayst… Arryd… Renn… As'iiur… Madra… Sora to Hoshi. Surely one of them will have some kind of records that can help us discover the path of Chaos.

Items Required:


  • 1,000 Gold
  • 1,000 Exp
  • 250 Rep : Chaos

Thanks to rickyb20.


Quest Locations: Into Chaos (Location)
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Note: These quests (aside from the first) can only be completed once a day.

The chaorrupted heroes just won't stop coming! Go in and disarm some of them to help keep the path clear. 13 should be enough.

Items Required:


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp
  • 150 Rep : Chaos

Thanks to rickyb20 and .Shadow//.


Quest Location: Frozen Northlands
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

The first step towards convincing Xan we want to help him is removing is the Chaos attackers here. Slay 10 Chaos Symbiotes and 10 Chaorruption monsters.

Items Required:


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp

Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: Runed Woods
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Explore the Runedwoods and speak to the Za'narians that you find here. They each have a different specialty, learned on the far-away world of Za'nar. They will have much knowledge that can help us!

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp

Thanks to Tristyn.

Quest Location: Runed Woods
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Confront Jir'abin' quest.

Sael commissioned the Blade of De'ther to thank you, but Jir'abins Shades have stolen it. Slay them for a chance to find the blade!

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp

You may also receive, at random:

Thanks to Tristyn.

Quest Location: Third Spell
Quests Begun From: Warlic

Cysero says he has a simple way to make the transference of your soul to the elemental plane, but…*sigh* he needs to finish his breakfast. Why don't you humor him a little while I think of another way in case we run out of time? He said that a smart brekfast requires…"brains"? Gross. Slay 10 of the Undead Treeants and Ectomancers in Doomwood Forest to get the Brains, then come back to me!

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp


Thanks to Ellimbor.

Quest Location: Nostalgia Quest
Quests Begun From: Warlic

Welcome BACK to my magic shop… of the past in the present! I have learned some new tricks while you've been traveling. If you bring me the right reagents, I can enchant certain items to do more damage against all monsters. Pretty neat trick, huh?

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp


Thanks to Apus.

You FOUND it! There can only be ONE reward for such a keen eye and intelligent mind such as yours. A color customizable version of my staff. It will not be too hard… so no grumbling.

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp


Thanks to Apus.

Quest Location: Cathedral of Time
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Get Help from Warlic' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

There we go. If you go through that portal, I suspect it should lead you straight to this anomaly you're looking for.

Items Required:

  • Anomaly Found x1
    • Go to Screen 14


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

Thanks to Eldant.

Quest Location: The Rift
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'What Happened to Baldric?' quest to access these quests.

If I can work with samples of the poison that's seeping out of the Rift, I might be able to craft something like a magical vaccine. This could allow us to get close enough to close it - or at least to drive these monsters back into it. Collect specimen samples from the Noxious Clouds and the Toxic Fumes on the outskirts of town. Come back to me when you have 5 of each.

Items Required:


Thanks to Long3ye.

Quest Location: Charred Path
Quest Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'What Happened to Baldric' quest.
Note: This quest can be completed only once.

You'll be staying far enough away from the Rift to keep yourself reasonably safe, but you're still going to be exposing yourself to a large dose of its toxin. Lim has developed a Personal Toin Monitor - PTM for short - that will track your eposure and let you know when you need to come back for a detox. Talk to Lim when you're ready to go, and he'll give you one.

Items Required:

  • Talk to Lim x1
    • Talk to Lim at Screen 1.


Thanks to Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: Charred Path
Quest Begun From:

  • Button in top-right corner
  • Warlic

Requirements: Must have completed the 'I Said Yes, Yes, Yes' quest.
Note: This quest can be completed only once.

I have a plan that, in theory, should let us get close enough to Extriki to fight and, hopefully, slay it. But I'll need a lot of magic power to pull it off. Head back to our camp near /therift, and rally all the mages you can find, then check the chests in camp to see if you can find any Mana Bombs for added power. Bring them back here to me.

Items Required:


Thanks to Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: Drakonnan (Location)
Quest Begun From: Warlic

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Claymore Shards' quest.

We need to restore some of the Ice that has been lost in the Claymore's destruction. Bring me back Ice Essences from any of the Ice Monsters on the mountain where you located the Claymore. Its energy should have transferred to the creatures guarding it!

Items Required:


  • 125 Gold
  • 125 Exp

Thanks to ShatteredReality.

Quest Location: Shadowgrove
Quest Begun From: Warlic

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Dragonlord Medals: Defend Arcangrove!' quest.

The Shadowflame army's most powerful dragons are behind that wall of flame, and we can't get to them until we've put it out. The best way to extinguish dragonfire is with powdered Dragonscale. Bring me as much as you can find.

Items Required:


  • 150 Gold
  • 150 Exp

You may also receive, at random:

Thanks to ShatteredReality.

Quest Location: The Span
Quests Begun From: Warlic

In the Library and around our town, the ancient script used by Chronomancers can be seen. Our creator has crafted a dictionary for you, so that you may understand. Bring back 4 Minx Fairy Wings, 2 breaths from a Moglin Ghost, and 5 talons from the Future Shadowscythe in the Time Library, and I will create the mixture allowing you to see the runes.

Items Required:


Thanks to Gbdf Aqw and Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: Time Library
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

If you are going to adventure through the places you must go, you will need to learn more about the lands, people, and creatures that make them up. Talk to all of the golems in TheSpan to understand where they originated.

Items Required:


Thanks to Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: Time Void
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'After the Chaos' quest.

If you would have Vaxt Ahas' trust you, you will need to earn it. Kill 9 Ephemerites crawling over it. These Void mites burrow into his hide to breed, causing endless annoyance! (You wouldn't be able to bite mites if your tail were in YOUR mouth.)

Items Required:


Thanks to Peachii.

Quest Location: AQ Lesson
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Maintain Elemental Strength' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Conflicts do not only affect warriors; innocents often suffer at the hands of those who would harm you. The sister of your ally has been kidnapped by the Void Dragons of Dragonspine Mountain. Slay 3 of them and she will, I hope, be returned to safety.

Items Required:


Thanks to Tendou no Mazo and .Shadow//.

Quest Location: MQ Lesson
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'The 2nd Proto-Chaos Beast' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

If you're going to navigate space, you'll need a suitable transportation device. It is likely you'll find one on the Dropship Shuttle. Talk to Golem Worsh for more information about what the ship is used for, and locate your Rocket-fueled Transportation Device!

Items Required:

  • Rocket on your back x1
    • Click on the blue arrow on Screen 2.



Thanks to Shal and .Shadow//.

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'The 3rd Proto-Chaos Beast' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Always watching, never sleeping, Kathool's Chaotic Merdraconian attendants guard his deep, dark domain. Slay 8 of them before they report your presence to the Beast!

Items Required:


Thanks to Flitterifie.


Quest Location: UltraVoid
Quests Begun From: Warlic

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Chaos Lord Iadoa' quest.

Isolated pockets of spacetime may develop at random, and contain unknown dangers. This one allows you to go back in time and battle Ultra Chaos Beast Kathool. He is much stronger in this spacetime. Bring a full party, equip your potions, and Battle On!

Items Required:


Thanks to Apus and rickyb20.


Quest Location: Meateor Hunt
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Right Under Your Nose' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

To fully understand the ChickenCow, we must understand both of its parts. Our bovine bestiary is almost complete, so we need to study some chickens. I've heard of three rare breeds- Red and Sabertoothed at the /Meateortown and Chaos chickens from /DFLesson- that could be good subjects. They may have found some Freggments, too.

Items Required:


  • 4,000 Gold
  • 7,000 Exp

Quest Location: Titan Strike
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Titanic Terror Times Two' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

The Titanic Paladins may have been corrupted by Drakath's Tincture, but not everything has changed within them. The original essence of the brave and noble Paladins who were mutated into those monstrosities is still trapped inside those hulks of flesh and armor. The light buried within would be a perfect ingredient for the potion. Set their souls free, and bring some of the essence back for me to use.

Items Required:


  • 8,000 Gold
  • 20,000 Exp

Quest Location: ArchMage (Location)
Quests Begun From: Warlic

Requirements: Must be Level 60.

The first step to mastering the magical arts is becoming attuned to the world of the Arcane. For this lesson, you will need to bring me several reagents.

Mystic Quills and Mystic Shards from various monsters

A Semiramis Feather from /guardiantree

And a vial of Mystical Ink from the beast in /deepchaos

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 50,000 Exp


Quest Location: Termina Temple
Quests Begun From: Warlic

Elementals are an elusive sort. In the current age, the most interaction one can expect is a…violent altercation. This was not always the case. At one time, Champions acted as intermediaries between the Elemental Planes and Lore. After the Avatars distanced themselves, communications ceased. That seems to be changing. Head to /dragonplane and interact with the Elementals. I will come with you.

Items Required:


  • 1,500 Gold
  • 1,500 Exp

You may also receive, at random:


Quest Location: Glace's Tomb
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Orient yourself with the tomb's exterior by finding Professor Neveya and Professor Maedoc. They should be nearby securing the area.

Items Required:

  • Talk to Neveya x1
  • Talk to Maedoc x1


  • 0 Gold
  • 2,000 Exp


Quest Location: Glace's Tomb
Quests Begun From: Warlic
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Academic Probation' quest.

Kriomein invited the spirits to fight over the right to use Glace as a Vessel. An entity calling itself Fimbul took control, and a deadly frost is spreading from the tomb. See how it is affecting the creatures nearby. We could learn more about Fimbul this way.

Items Required:

  • Valedictorian Speech x1 (Stacks up to 10)
  • Frozen Marrow x8 (Stacks up to 80)
  • Crystalline Wings x8 (Stacks up to 80)


  • 2,000 Gold
  • 5,000 Exp


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