Wall Awe Plaque

Location: Museum
Price: N/A (Reward from the 'Awe Enhancements At Home' quest)
Sellback: 0 AC
Rarity: Legendary Item Rarity
Description: Your very own Blade of Awe to hang up in your home! You can click it to access Awe Enhancements.

Talking House Item?
The Enhancements of Awe have a chance to do a special skill when you autoattack:

Spiral Carve: 200% Hybrid damage, +25% crit rate for 10s, 15% chance
Awe Blast: 100% Hybrid damage, -15% enemy crit rate and defense for 10s, 30% chance
Health Vamp: 80% True Hybrid damage, heal for 125% base damage dealt, 50% chance
Mana Vamp: 50% True Hybrid damage, recover 10 mana, 80% chance
Powerword DIE: Deal 999,999 True damage, 0.3% chance

- Fighter Awe Enh
- Healer Awe Enh
- Hybrid Awe Enh
- Lucky Awe Enh
- Thief Awe Enh
- Wizard Awe Enh


Thanks to Bad.

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