Vorefax Defeated
«Scene: Hero and Xeven in the Portal Maze»
Hero: We almost did it! Now we just need to seal off the last portal.
«The Mors Temporis appears behind the Hero, ready to attack»
Xeven: Look out, <Hero>!!!!!!
«Xeven takes the hit for the Hero, and loses her grip on the Tachyon Blades»
Hero: XEVEN!
Xeven: Uhhhhh……
Hero: You saved me… why!?
Xeven: Returning the favor…
Xeven: Now… we're even…
Hero: Hang on! We're going to get you out of here!
Xeven: Heh… the younger me…
Xeven: She is going to come for you…
Xeven: I… still know… what… YOU… did…
«Xeven collapses to the ground»
«Scene fades»
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