
Underworld Guide of the Seven Circles
Thank you for coming so quickly, Hero. I’m afraid we, as well as the world, are in great danger. The Beast, a creature of unspeakable destruction, is successfully breaking its chains. The pure hatred in its soul has spent centuries corrupting those that were meant to ensure its imprisonment. Those that you will fight today were all tasked to guard the Beast, but they are now aiding the Beast and its escape.

Who are you?
I am Virgil, a servant of the former Death, and Guide of the Seven Circles. I was sent here by my master to guide any living soul that may find themselves in this hopeless prison. I will be guiding you throughout your journey into its depths in order to stop the Beast from returning to the surface.

Where are we?
This place is known by many names: Inferno, Tartarus, Seven Circles, Heck. It is a prison in the Underworld meant to hold Undead beings that are walking calamities. These beings are forces of nature, created by the Underworld itself for reasons no one understands. They are nigh-untamable, and therefore have no use for any of the factions that seek to take control of the Underworld.

Why should I help?

I am Good. Why should I help you?
If it is my allegiance that concerns you, then you must know that it lies with my former master. If the Beast is released, it will destroy the natural order that Death strived so hard to preserve. I will see my master’s will done, even if he is no longer here to witness it. If you truly are a Hero of Good, you will not allow that creature of pure Evil set foot on Lore a second time.

Why should I help you?
Ahh, so you are a member of the Archfiend’s Nation. Then you should know the great lengths your master went to in order to seal the Beast away in the first place. If it is released, there is no telling what that creature would do to your fellow Fiends. You must stop it here, and save them from the same fate many Fiends before them suffered.

Why should I help you?
As you know, the Beast is the other half to your master’s soul. If it were to be set free, your master would be overcome by the Beast’s bloodlust. He would no longer care for your allegiance, or anyone else’s for that matter. His entire Legion would be swept up in the living natural disaster that is that creature. There will be no glory for Dage if that creature is set free, you must stop it.

They have already successfully released the other monstrosities that were imprisoned here. It pains me to say this, but we must defeat my comrades if we are to prevent this calamity.

- Virgil's Quests
- Seven Circles Merge

After completing the 'Canto IV' quest:

Underworld Guide of the Seven Circles
Those that you will fight today were all tasked to guard the Beast, but they are now aiding the Beast and its escape. They have already successfully released the other monstrosities that were imprisoned here. It pains me to say this, but we must defeat my comrades if we are to prevent this calamity.

Who are you?
I am Virgil, a servant of the former Death, and Guide of the Seven Circles. I was sent here by my master to guide any living soul that may find themselves in this hopeless prison. I will be guiding you throughout your journey into its depths in order to stop the Beast from returning to the surface.

Where are we?
This place is known by many names: Inferno, Tartarus, Seven Circles, Heck. It is a prison in the Underworld meant to hold Undead beings that are walking calamities. These beings are forces of nature, created by the Underworld itself for reasons no one understands. They are nigh-untamable, and therefore have no use for any of the factions that seek to take control of the Underworld.

Why should I help?

I am Good. Why should I help you?
If it is my allegiance that concerns you, then you must know that it lies with my former master. If the Beast is released, it will destroy the natural order that Death strived so hard to preserve. I will see my master’s will done, even if he is no longer here to witness it. If you truly are a Hero of Good, you will not allow that creature of pure Evil set foot on Lore a second time.

Why should I help you?
Ahh, so you are a member of the Archfiend’s Nation. Then you should know the great lengths your master went to in order to seal the Beast away in the first place. If it is released, there is no telling what that creature would do to your fellow Fiends. You must stop it here, and save them from the same fate many Fiends before them suffered.

Why should I help you?
As you know, the Beast is the other half to your master’s soul. If it were to be set free, your master would be overcome by the Beast’s bloodlust. He would no longer care for your allegiance, or anyone else’s for that matter. His entire Legion would be swept up in the living natural disaster that is that creature. There will be no glory for Dage if that creature is set free, you must stop it.

- Virgil's Quests
- Seven Circles Merge

After completing the 'Lest Ye Be Destroyed' quest:

Underworld Guide of the Seven Circles
Your battle with Luxuria was quite impressive. I believe you have what it takes to continue through the Circles. The next Circle we enter is Gluttony, with a Guard that will devour all that cross its path. We must first trick the Guard, and then, we will proceed to Gluttony itself. Be careful, Hero. Gluttony gives off the aura of wanting to indulge in the fighting you engage here. End those fights swiftly and do not give in to that urge.

- Virgil's Quests
- Seven Circles Merge

After completing the 'Glutton for Punishment' quest:

Underworld Guide of the Seven Circles
With Gluttony defeated, we are almost to the halfway point of the Circles. Next is Avarice. His spell is a most dangerous one. As you battle, you will believe that you can sneak one more attack in before going on the defensive. Do not trust that desire. In that moment, Avarice will strike you down. Trust your basic instincts and you will come out victorious.

- Virgil's Quests
- Seven Circles Merge

After completing the 'Ava-risky Business' quest:

Underworld Guide of the Seven Circles
I was hoping Dage would not disrupt our journey, but it seems that the other half of his soul has been calling out to him. It was inevitable for him to show up. Dage’s intentions for his soul are unclear, but I have a bad feeling for what is to come.

- Virgil's Quests
- Seven Circles Merge
- Next Chapter


Thanks to Bad and Tux47.

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