Doomknight on Holiday
I haven’t been to a puppet show since I was little. I’m so excited! You will love it. The jokes, the stories… it is a really good time.
Puppet Show?
When you spend your whole life fighting across Lore, blinded by decadence and luxury, even a DoomKnight can appreciate taking a break and returning to the simpler celebrations of childhood.
After completing the 'Thirst Quencher' quest:
Doomknight on Holiday
Oh wow… we're about to get to the best part of the story! But I agree with Ki Sama. We should feast to celebrate the eclipse; it will begin soon.
After completing the 'Kala-mity Time' quest:
Doomknight on Holiday
I wanted to forget all of my troubles tonight, and just enjoy spending time with my old friends. But Ki Sama clearly had other plans. I'm glad you were here to save the day.
Location: Kala (Location)
Thanks to Bad.
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