Vayle's Quests

Jump to: Zorbak's Hideout, Necropolis, Begin the Quest, Hex Quests, Metals of Doom Quests, Weapon Kit Quests, Pinpoint Pieces Quests, Craft Sepulchure's Armor.

Quest Locations:

Quest Begun From: Vayle
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have spoken with Vayle in Lightguard Keep.

Locate Zorbak in his Hideout to get more information on Vordred!

Items Required:


Thanks to Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: Necropolis
Quest Begun From: Vayle

legendlarge.png rarelarge.png

Note: Previously called "Return Next Week to Armored Daimyo" and then "Legion Armored Daimyo".

To make his Daimyo's Legion Armor, you will need: 15 Hearts of Darkness from the Dark Elemental in the ruins, and the Black Metal Armor item (battle the Black Knight in Greenguard), and 4 Shadow Serpent Essences. You will also need a Daimyo pet, (only available in Battleon on his birthday)! Once you have them, open my merge shop!

Items Required:


  • 1,500 Gold
  • 1,500 Exp


Thanks to Gbdf Aqw.

Quest Location: Necropolis
Quests Begun From: Vayle


Our beloved Empress, Gravelyn, wears her Father's DoomKnight armor. But it was damaged in the legendary battle between King Alteon and Sepulchure… when the Chaos Lord Drakath appeared and defeated them both. I think we can restore the DoomKnight armor to its full power… but first, I need a piece of DoomKnight armor to experiment on.

Items Required:




Requirements: Must have completed the 'Dark Spirit Donation' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once a day.

Part of the DoomKnight's strength comes from the compilation of different metals used to create the armor and weapons. These metals are mined from Raw Ore deposits found on Lore's rocky, earthy, metallic, golem, and crystalline monsters. We are going to need 30 Raw Ore deposits in order to produce the necessary metals. Additionally, the Balboa's Axe of the Prospector is required to mine the metal. Find all of these items, bring them back to me, and we shall see what metal we can extract from the Raw Ore.

Items Required:


  • 5,000 Gold
  • 5,000 Exp
  • 2,000 Rep : DoomWood

You may also choose one of:


Requirements: Must have completed any of the previous '... Hex' quests.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Everything seems to be going according with the plan. Now that we've harnessed Dark Spirit Orbs and placed hexes on the raw metals, we can begin the forge process. By combining cursed metal with the power of the Shadow, we can begin crafting Doom items! There is only one forge in all Lore powerful enough: the Dwarfhold Forge. Seek out the Rock Dweller by the name of Geopetal and she will forge Metals of Doom!

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp


You may also receive, at random:


Requirements: Must have completed any of the previous '... of Doom' quests.

You can't expect to make a DoomKnight weapon without a DoomKnight Weapon Kit. The most basic of weapon kits is the DoomSquire edition—but don't expect this quest to be all that basic. The DoomSquire Weapon Kit calls for:

1 Noob Blade Oil from a Noob monster

1 Iron Hammer

1 War Mummy Wrap

1 Bronze Brush from a bronzed monster

1 Elemental Stone Sharpener

1 Dark Makai Lacquer Finish

and 4 Burlap Cloth from a farm.

When you find everything… I will then be able to create the DoomSquire Weapon Kit… and you will be able to create an item of DoomKnight quality!

Items Required:




Requirements: Must have Necrotic Bow of the Shadow in your inventory.
Note: Must have completed the 'DoomKnight Weapon Kit' quest.

Necrotic weapons harness the power to find the scattered pieces of Sepulchure…s DoomKnight Armor. Using your Necrotic Bow of the Shadow, destroy every dark and shadow monster inhabiting the world of Lore to find 10 pieces of His DoomKnight Armor. The more ferocious the beast, the greater chance at finding a piece. And maybe, just maybe, if the power of the Shadow chooses you, the ultra rare Doom Aura may appear! The Doom Aura is the last piece we need to restore Sepulchure…s DoomKnight Armor to its full glory…so let…s do this!

Items Required:

  • DoomKnight Armor Piece x10 (Stacks up to 1,000)



You may also receive, at random:


Requirements: Must have completed one of the 'Pinpoint the Pieces ...' quests.

You have scoured the world for fragments of Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor. But it's going to take a lot more than just metal shards to return His armor to its former supremacy. Only when you have gathered EVERYTHING from my list will you hope to restore the power of the shadow to Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor. Good luck.

Items Required:



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