Vath (1)

Location: Stalagbite (Location)
Level: 20
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 2,000
AI: Aggressive when player attacks Stalagbite (Level 19) first.
- Slash: 36-44
- Smash: 36-44
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Defeat 2nd Lord (Dropped during the 'Gravelyn's Royal Retainer' quest)
- Defeated Vath (Dropped during the 'Facing Vath' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Blue Void Sphere
(Dropped during the 'Null and Void Spheres' quest)
- Chaoroot
- Chaos Dragonlord Axe
- Chaos Dragonlord Helm
- Chaos Dragonlord Mace
- Chaotic Dragon Lance
- Chaotic Power
(Dropped during the 'Chaotic Lords' quest)
- Cloak of Vath
- Green Void Sphere
(Dropped during the 'Null and Void Spheres' quest)
- Legendary Sword of Dragon Control
- Mystic Parchment
- Mystic Quills x1-2
- Red Void Sphere
(Dropped during the 'Null and Void Spheres' quest)
- Rune of Chaos Enchantment
(Dropped during the 'Chaos Forge Enchantment' quest)
- Runes Found! (Dropped during the 'Find The Runes!' quest)
- Shattered Legendary Sword of Dragon Control
- Strand of Vath's Hair
(Used in Tercessuinotlim)
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Vath's Chaotic Dragonlord Armor
- Vath's Hair
- Yellow Void Sphere
(Dropped during the 'Null and Void Spheres' quest)
- Cannot be stunned.
- Your damage is reduced to 50% when attacking Vath.
- If you attack Stalagbite first, your damage is reduced to 46% when attacking Vath.
- If you manage to one hit Stalagbite, your attacks won't be reduced when attacking Vath.
- If you attack Vath first, Stalagbite will use "Stomp" on you and every attack done by Stalagbite will raise its damage only when you are attacking it.
- Will not respawn until Stalagbite is defeated.
- Previously Legend Only.
- Also see:

Thanks to KaibinLore, The Great Hunter, Weena, Zero IX and .Shadow//.
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