Vasalkar's Lair
Dungeon-Level 8 to 45
Home of the Draconians and the red dragon Vasalkar.
- Bronze Draconian x2
- Dark Draconian x2
- Golden Draconian x2
- Onyx Lava Dragon x1
- Purple Draconian x1
- Red Dragon (Monster) x1
- Venom Draconian x2
- Water Draconian x2
- Wyvern (Monster) (1) x4
- Dedara's Quests
- Duncan's Quests
- Ferzana's Quests
- Galanoth's Birthday Quests
- Galanoth's Quests
- Mysterious Stranger's Quests
- Birthday Treasures
- Dragonslayer (Shop)
- Dragonslayer LoreKeeper
- DragonSlayer Treasures
- Duncan's DragonHunter Shop
- Ferzana's Shop
- Galanoth Birthday Merge
- Lvl 50+ Fighter Enh
- Reserved Enh Shop - Fighter
Map Name: lair
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join lair
- Book of Lore
- Button in Game Menu
- Akiba - 'To the Lair' button from Ai No Miko
- Class Hall A - 'To the Lair' button from Darl
- Dragonhame - 'Travel to Lair' button from Drakor
- Lair Cross - Take the Southeast path
- Tercessuinotlim - 'To Lair' button from Nulgath (NPC)
- Underlair
- 'Find Me in Lair' button from Dedara
- Northwest of Screen 1
- Skullholme Map
- Also see:
- Screen 1
- Screen 2
- Screen 3
- Screen 4
- Screen 5
- Screen 6
- Screen 7
- Screen 8 (Red Dragon)
- Screen 9 (Onyx Lava Dragon)
- Screen 10
Thanks to Big bang attack, Cornfield10, Darrathualin, Gudiofor, Kaelthass, Kaibinlore, Strongo9, Super saiyan goten, Syudanco, Tendou no Mazo, Valosity, Wpack10 and Xia.
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