Vampire Lord (Class) (AC)
Price: 2,000 AC
- First 24 Hours: 1,800 AC
- After 24 Hours: 500 AC
Weapon Damage: 60%, 2.5 speed
Description: Recommended Enhancements: Wizard, Lucky. Vampire Lords rule over their sanguine servants and, feasting on the blood of mortals, they can live forever. Don't show one a mirror though, or you might not like what you don't see.
Stat Model: Full Hybrid
Special Effects: Vampire Lords gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on critical hits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total.
- Class breakdown Design Notes post.
- 5/5/2020 Class Patch Notes post.
- 5/15/2020 Class Patch Notes post.
- This class has the same skills as:
- Also see:
Thanks to Tris.