Vampirate (Monster)

Level: 16
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 1,190
- Jab: 41-50
- Slash: 41-50
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Burlap Sack (Dropped during the 'A Most Important Package' quest)
- Dented Footlocker (Dropped during the 'Where'd Me Ship's Cargo?' quest)
- Enemy Cleared Out (Dropped during the 'I Didn't Know They Could Swarm!' quest)
- Half-Empty Barrel (Dropped during the 'Where'd Me Ship's Cargo?' quest)
- Multi-Purpose Ship Widget (Dropped during the 'Unsink This Ship!' quest)
- Scrap o' Fabric x1-2 (Dropped during the 'Me Knickers Got a Big Hole Across th' Bum' quest)
- Small Chest (Dropped during the 'Where'd Me Ship's Cargo?' quest)
- Vampirate Slain (Dropped during the 'Unsink This Ship!' and 'Vampirate!' quests)
- Vampirate Staked (Dropped during the 'Oh Right, They're Vampires' and 'SPF 1000' quests)
- Wooden Crate (Dropped during the 'Where'd Me Ship's Cargo?' quest)
Items Dropped:
Note: Also see List of all Undead Monsters.

Thanks to Superkeryu and .Shadow//
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