The exit of the Labyrinth is nearby. Today, we'll be using it as an entrance. Head west down the hill and you'll find it. There used to be doors, but I didn't see them when I passed by. Time must have weathered them away. That might be why these Globlins are all over the place. They spilled out of the Labyrinth. Let's clear them away before they snack on our ankles.
Despite their names, Globlins are not Goblins. The one goblin I know has a penchant for rummaging through your pockets, but he hasn't tried to bite me…yet. Despite their teeth, Zenobia finds Globlins adorable and fluffy. I see where she's coming from but she also adores spiders. If you cross your eyes long enough, Globlins and spiders could look cute.
Items Required:
- Maze Entrance Found x1
- Globlin Fur x8
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The Labyrinth was built by the Goblin King to protect his often invaded and exploited people. That man has been my Hero for decades, and I can't wait to meet him when we return. Say, I noticed carriages on our way to the Labyrinth. Are they here to see the King too? And they've brought such lovely white flowers. Would you mind 'borrowing' a few and talking with Zenobia? Maybe I missed a memo on the custom.
Thank you kindly! I'll save these flowers for later. What did Zenobia say about the Goblin King? Oh, nothing that I probably don't already know? Then we're perfect! Let's set off for the Labyrinth and save those elves. The issue seems to weigh heavily on Zenobia's mind and I'll do anything I can to ease that burden.
Items Required:
- White Mourning Flowers x2
- Click on the blue arrows on Screen 2
- Talk to Zenobia x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I don't expect the elves to be too deep into the Labyrinth, so hopefully, we won't need Don Fernando's guidance like I did. The path just beyond the entrance forks in three directions. I need time to gather our bearings. From what I remember, this area is safe…minus these awful Shadow creatures. They're extremely dangerous - we will need to fight them off quickly.
You and Zenobia are fantastic fighters. Obviously that makes sense for you, our wandering warrior. But, Zenobia is a tavern keeper. One that could corral an orc but I'm astounded nonetheless. Then again, all sorts of folks must come by her tavern. I bet the rude ones need elbow grease. But just what are these Shadow demons? Zenobia says they're not supposed to be regular denizens of the Labyrinth.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I've had enough time to gather my bearings and I have to say, all three routes at the fork in the road could lead to certain doom! Aha, but that won't deter us! We should head straight down the middle path. I hear the most noise coming from there. Monstrous noises, and…the clashing of steel! We need to get moving, and rescue any elves we find along the way. Fight off the Screamons threatening them!
What do we have here! A sight for my sore eyes and Zenobia's!
Items Required:
- Take the Middle Path x1
- Screamon Teeth x20
- Elves Rescued x3
- Click on the blue arrows on Screens 4 and 5
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Don Fernando wandered off, hopefully to find rest, but that leaves General Brom to roam without the guidance of a map. Zenobia and I aren't sure which direction he took off in. Why don't we head back to the junction and try the rightmost path? We'll look for Brom and rescue the rest of the elves. The place is crawling with Screamons. Hope you won't mind kicking more of them to the curb?
Screamons like to hide behind piles of bones to ambush their victims. They're one of the many living dangers of the Labyrinth. But do believe me, you could do far worse than those critters. But them gathering at the end of the rightmost path is a concern. There aren't any bones here, unless they expect there to be bones soon. Actually, we're standing next to a watering hole, aren't we? One for a very large beast…
Items Required:
- Spiked Screamon Tongue x6
- Elves Saved x2
- Click on the blue arrows on Screen 6
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
See those white patches all over this watering hole? Zenobia and I hope they're cobwebs, but we should take a closer look. Collect those…things and we'll know for sure. While you're at it, I'm curious about these wandering reanimated skeletons. Unlike Don Fernando, they aren't listening to reason or my songs.
It's just as I feared. The huge snake known as Vi'eel Dreaddacovra is still at large. Haha! Tük and I escaped their fangs the last time we were here, but now we have found ourselves hunting that nasty reptile! Hmm, there's a grimace on your face? Do scaled creatures make your stomach turn? I can understand. Those skeletons must be the snake's victims after all. But I don't think it's behind their reanimation…
Items Required:
- Cold Bones x3
- Molted Snake Skin x4
- Click on the blue arrows on Screen 6
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The lost Tieregnon elves would be easy pickings for Vi'eel Dreaddacovra. There's one last path we haven't taken. We'll head back to the junction and take the leftmost path. Rescue the remaining elves and protect them from the Shadow Demons. They're becoming more agitated; jumping at the slightest sign of movement. My songs might have something to do with it.
This shadowy residue oozed from the moving skeletons. These Demons are possessing the remnants of the dead! I'll hold on to that thought for now. Zenobia spoke with the elves we rescued. General Brom is fighting that giant snake to give the others time to escape. She's adamant of going to his aid, not like either of us were going to disagree.
Items Required:
- Shadowy Residue x5
- Elves Found x2
- Click on the blue arrows on Screen 7
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
At the end of the leftmost path, General Artoriaus Brom and his soldiers are being menaced by the vile snake, Vi'eel Dreaddacovra. It's an intelligent beast, one that makes lies as white and as dangerous as its massive body. Back them into a corner, and don't try to reason with it! Snakes have bad hearing anyways, but that's besides the point. Good luck!
Well well! Here we have a reptile who's cold blooded in method and character, and then one that's the complete opposite. Haha, I jest!
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
If we're lucky, then we'll find Don Fernando in the Labyrinth. Except, the maze is huge! It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Or rather a, what's a bone that starts with the letter N? A neurocranium in a haystack. That's it! Zenobia and I will focus on the search while you keep the Screamons, Globlins, and Shadow Demons at bay.
I hear rumbling in the distance, and it's coming from the direction of the Goblin City. We may be too late to stop the Shadow Demons from possessing Don Fernando, but there is still time to stop him from destroying the city. You've defeated enough skeletons. The temperature will be higher, but this shouldn't be any different. And now, I've realized that they're frightened by songs. I have an idea.
Items Required:
- Screamon Defeated x5
- Globlin Defeated x5
- Shadows Defeated x5
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
We need to return to the Goblin City as soon as possible. Head through its gates and find Don Fernando. General Brom and his men have already returned and are doing their part in protecting the city. While we're on the way, can you and Zenobia collect bones from the possessed skeletons? I know a ritual that can ward away the Shadow Demons, and we'll need effigies of what we all currently fear the most.
And there's our gentleman of the hour! Not just one Shadow Demon possessed him. A whole swarm has gathered together and is using Don Fernando as a core. Thanks to you, friend, I have most of what I need to expel the Shadows from his heart. What's left is the manpower - yours, Zenobia's, and anyone we can find in the city. I hope you're ready for a heart-racing fight!
Items Required:
- Possessed Bone x7
- Don Fernando Found x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
"Kill the Beast" is a song, a festival, and a ritual all in one! We make effigies of our fears, march them through the street, burn them, and sing our hearts out. That proves that we can overcome our fears. I know it will work, but we need you to buy time. We're counting on you to fight Don Fernando, and keep him at bay until Zenobia and I finish the ritual.
A tremendous performance, my friend! Now, Zenobia and I will step up to the stage.
Items Required:
- Shadow Fernando Defeated x1