Ultra Elemental Capes


Note: Click on the Catalogue of Oddities in Curiosities and find 'Ultra Elemental Warrior Capes' to access this shop.

Name Price
Cloak_Table.png Darkness Orb acsmall.png 300 AC
Cloak_Table.png Earth Orb acsmall.png 300 AC
Cloak_Table.png Energy Orb acsmall.png 300 AC
Cloak_Table.png Fire Orb (Cape) acsmall.png 300 AC
Cloak_Table.png Ice Orb (Cape) acsmall.png 300 AC
Cloak_Table.png Light Orb acsmall.png 300 AC
Cloak_Table.png Water Orb acsmall.png 300 AC
Cloak_Table.png Wind Orb acsmall.png 300 AC

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