Uldor's Quests

Quest Location: AQ Lesson
Quests Begun From: Uldor
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Unending Avatar' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

I have lost the Orb my Master gave me in order to keep this construct solid. I have seen that you will locate the Orb somewhere on this beach. Please hunt through the bushes and sand until you locate it. Once you have the Orb, your lessons may begin.

Items Required:

  • Orb Located x1
    • Click on the blue arrow on Screen 2


Thanks to Shal.


Quest Location: AQ Lesson
Quests Begun From: Uldor

You REALLY want to take on all 100? You are a braver Hero than I.

Items Required:


Thanks to Shal and .Shadow//.

Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!

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