Twilly Pinata (1)

Location: Birthday
Level: 16
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 100,016
- Splash: 38-48
- Whack: 38-48
Temporary Items Dropped:
- N/A
Items Dropped:
- Aspiring Chronomancer's Beard
- Aspiring Chronomancer's Hair
- Aspiring Chronomancer's Locks
- Basalt Claw
- Blood Rage Sword
- Blood Rage Swords
- Celebration Arrow
- Celebration Arrows
- Celebration Blade
- Celebration Blades
- Celebration Bow and Arrow
- Celebration Bow
- Celebration Dagger
- Celebration Daggers
- Classic Blood Paladin
- Classic Blood Paladin Cape
- Classic Blood Paladin Helm
- Cursed Pinata Candy
- Fae Skull Bangle
- Fae Skull Bangles
- Gold Bean Twilly
- Knight Armet
- Knight Armor
- Knight Cloak
- Knight Great Helm
- Knight Mace
- Knight Sallet
- Knight Spear
- Knight Zweihander
- Nation Dragonbane Scythe
- Pinata Candy x1-20
- Platinum Bean Twilly
- Tinfoil Wrapper
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Twilly's Pinata Mace

Thanks to LightFlare.
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