Twiggu's Bodyguard

Location: Twiggu Hunt
Level: 40
Difficulty: 4 stars
Total HP: 10,000
AI: Aggressive when player attacks Twiggu (Monster) or the other Twiggu's Bodyguard first.
- Iron Smash: 101-125
- Radiant Glare: 101-125
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Broken Droid Part x1-10 (Dropped during the 'Shut It Down' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Lunaris Exemplar Morph
- Seraphic Fourth Blade
- Seraphic Fourth Blades
- Sheathed Seraphic Fourth Blade
- Solaris Exemplar Morph
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Will not respawn until Twiggu (Monster) is defeated or if all players in combat die.
- Also see:

Thanks to Anonymous Joe.
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