Twiggu (Monster)

Location: Twiggu Hunt
Level: 40
Difficulty: 4 stars
Total HP: 120,000
AI: Aggressive when player attacks Twiggu's Bodyguard first.
- Pram Spin: 502-614
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Broken Droid Part x1-50 (Dropped during the 'Shut It Down' quest)
- Fugitive Captured (Dropped during the 'Bring Them In' quest)
Items Dropped:
- GL-1ST
- GL-1ST Helm
- GL-1ST Mask
- GL-1ST Visor
- Seraphic Fourth Beard Morph
- Seraphic Fourth Blades and Cape
- Seraphic Fourth Morph
- Seraphic Fourth Order Cape
- Seraphic Fourth Order Hood
- Seraphic Fourth Shoulder Cape
- Seraphic Fourth Visage
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Damage afflicted to Twiggu is reduced to 0 unless Twiggu's Bodyguards are defeated.
- Applies Fateful Duel to the player if the Deep Rage aura from Darkside or Dark Lord is active on them, increasing outgoing damage by 100%, defense by 80%, Haste by 50%, Hit Chance by 2500%, Crit Chance by 100%, END by 400%, and a 100% reduction to mana costs by 100% for 10 seconds.
- Cannot be stunned.
Base Stats:
- 50% Dodge Chance
- This monster is a parody of Grogu from Star Wars.
- Also see Twiggu (NPC).

Thanks to Anonymous Joe.
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