- Aozora Hills (Location) - Plays after completing the 'Defeat Grandmother Hasu' quest
«Scene: Hero faces off against Grandmother Hasu»
Hero: Please! Why are you fighting us?
Hero: We don't want to hurt you! We want the same thing you do - to protect the nexus!
«The Hero attacks Grandmothe Hasu, who dodges and counter-attacks»
Grandmother Hasu: You are not seeing clearly.
Grandmother Hasu: Turn around. Look past your blinders and see what Mahou has brought with him.
<Scene fades»
«Scene: Mahou with Malgor's soldiers behind him»
Hero: I… I got here too late…
Hero: Mahou! How could you do this??
Mahou: What choice did I have?
Mahou: Endless fighting… endless death.
Mahou: If I can help break this cycle, then I must!
«Grandmother Hasu powers up»
Grandmother Hasu: And so must l.
Grandmother Hasu: I will not let you… nngh.. destroy this world, too.
«Mahou and the Hero are sucked into a portal to the spirit nexus»
«Scene fades»
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