

Before completing Toil's Quests:

The Cauldron Sister
I appreciate your visit, but can you visit my sisters Bubble and Toil? They need help and besides I can wait to be helped last.

After completing Toil's Quests:

The Cauldron Sister
Welcome, my friend, welcome. Please come into my humble home. I hold the secrets to the best Mogloween party ever - the best refreshments, and the best food to eat. If you want to learn these secrets, you'll have to help me gather the ingredients.

- Trouble's Quests
- Trouble Mogloween

After completing the 'Can't Have Enough' quest:

The Cauldron Sister
This is great, with all of the ingredients l've collected so far, I will throw the biggest Mogloween party ever known in all of Lore.
Thanks for all of the help you gave me and my sisters. If you came looking for a good pumpkin this year feel free to search our backyard.

- Trouble's Quests
- Trouble Mogloween

Location: Mystcroft


Thanks to Burn and Malak93.

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