Troll Spellsmith (0 AC)
Location: Troll Rep Shop - Bloodtusk Ravine
Price: 0 AC
Sellback: 0 AC
Weapon Damage: 90%, 2.0 speed
Description: Recommended enhancement: Wizard. The Troll SpellSmiths have mastered the magical arts to empower them in combat. Their magic is not just a weapon, its a tool for any situation.
Stat Model: Offensive Caster
Special Effects: Troll Spellsmiths gain mana from all hits landed in combat,and especially on crits. The amount depends on damage relative to "their own" HP total.
- Lorepedia entry.
- Class breakdown Design Notes post.
- Requires Rank 10 Troll.
- Previously called "Troll Spellsmith Class".
- This class has the same skills as Troll Spellsmith (AC).
- Also see Troll Spellsmith (Armor) (2).
Thanks to Chronicz Nukez, Dukey, GM_ francis and OmfgRly.