- Seven Circles War - Plays after completing the 'Where the Trea-sun Don't Shine' quest
«Scene: Virgil and Hero standing on Screen 16»
Virgil: I sense the Beast's presence just up ahead.
«Hero takes battle stance»
Hero: I'm ready!
Virgil: Wait, that's not possible.
Virgil: It's moving! It shouldn't be able to move. It should still be trapped.
«Virgil and Hero start walking towards Screen 17 and Treachery appears right before them»
Hero: Wait, *that's* the Beast?!
Hero: I mean, sure it looks tough, but not world ending!
Virgil: It's true, this creature is giving out the energy of the Beast, but be careful, Hero.
Virgil: Something doesn't feel right about this.
Hero: Alright, Beast! Let's see what you're made of!
«Hero jumps and attacks Treachery»
«Scene fades»
Previous: The Beast's Influence | Next: The Beast (Cutscene)