Transforming Berzerker Bunny Helm

- Transforming Berzerker Bunny Helm
- Transforming Berzerker Bunny Helm 15
- Transforming Berzerker Bunny Helm 14
- Transforming Berzerker Bunny Helm 13
- Transforming Berzerker Bunny Helm 12
- Transforming Berzerker Bunny Helm 11
- Transforming Berzerker Bunny Helm 10
- Transforming Berserker Bunny Helm 09
Location: N/A
Price: N/A (Reward from the 'Berzerker Bunny Helm - Wooden Egg' quest)
Sellback: 6,250 Gold
Rarity: Seasonal Item Rarity
Description: Amazing! You can take your battle helm off and with a simple click to your head. The rabbit looking beasts are definitely can't be from around here. (Eyes are color custom)
- Also see:
Thanks to Apocyrax, Hina and Xia.