Before completing Bubble's Quests:
The Cauldron Sister
I appreciate your visit, but can you visit my sister Bubble? She needed help and she gets to upset if she doesn't get helped first.
After completing Bubble's Quests:
The Cauldron Sister
Welcome to me home! I absolutely love this time of year…but this year I want to do someting really special. I want the best costume out of everyone, and the most candy. Just imagine how much candy a really GOOD costume will earn you. Would you like to help?
- Toil's Quests
- Toil Mogloween
After completing the 'Candy Basket' quest:
The Cauldron Sister
This year I will make a great Mogloween costume. Thanks for all your help! Can you go and help my sister Trouble? She also needs some help.
- Toil's Quests
- Toil Mogloween
Location: Mystcroft
- Also see:

Thanks to Burn and Malak93.
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