Tog (Monster)
Level: 38
Difficulty: 4 stars
Total HP: 3,700
- Bite: 88-108
- Stomp: 88-108
Temporary Items Dropped:
- "Draconic Propechy" Page (Dropped during 'A Fable of Dragons' quest)
- DF Dimension Key (Dropped during 'Gain Access to Doors' quest)
- Elemental Orb Knowledge (Dropped during 'A Fable of Dragons' quest)
- Tog Claw (Dropped during the 'Flourishes and Furbelows' quest)
- Tog Fangs (Dropped during the 'Do the 'do' quest)
- Tog Goals (Dropped during the 'You Don't Want To Know' quest)
- Tog Tamed (Dropped during the 'Tog Tamer' quest)
- Tog Whistle (Dropped during the 'Who Let The Togs Out?' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Historia Page x1-7 (Dropped during the 'Acquiring Ancient Secrets' quest)
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Unidentified Scroll
- This monster is themed from Tog from DragonFable.
- Also see List of all Togs.

Thanks to HunterCurtis, Malak93, rickyb20 and Shawnz5252.
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