«Scene: Hero pokes Kathool's tentacle»
Kathool: Await… my… return --
Kathool: …Chosen One. We shall meet again.
«Kathool slithers away. The Hero swims back to the surface, where the sky suddenly changes to night»
Hero: ?!
«The moon glows bright, and its light fills the entire screen. When the light clears, the Hero and Golem Warlic are standing in the void of time and space»
Hero: … That was unexpected.
Hero: Stars and time tend to follow a fixed course in my experience.
Warlic (Golem): Not when the Chronomancer has succumbed to Chaos. He waits for you at the centre of the Metafold.
Warlic (Golem): There is one more thing you need to know before he goes.
«Scene fades»
Previous: You Cannot Resist Kathool | Next: Your Destiny Revealed (Sort Of)